Minutes of Regular Monthly, Executive and Directors' Meetings l , fi%e@a')a, 1J3 0 -- s BA he éwg@l',(«) 2c 4J _/L»UL ts = Wl c acical m% e c l the ,Zl.,a/z%e/ (.7' mnaso E. %M'j/fi?' criii ztA QRar 10 0 0 0 _ % cAfi ind nar» $2 C / 12 onzinkrzras) GaiwBk J Arcaitanra . ' A ke Qier&Ri¥uaas, AZpec A AELGA _ Cla it 2 i) pp» e--g*A*>~ mrrs" = Airniuiuck -- Ale Afch e a 0 Me m _ dhoatei j,ng G@/nma\ww«;«f«y , -- WlWiiMGick--~ * -- Ahte eatf=eZ. eg {ls Acucuzd» Meill heak. 2 -- twhal A Z ie ' e (Lv _ f(amawzs 37 &.&Qd) /tan /17/)/\,&4,@, M P a *7a+ J Vopufi«/jczj/'w,j PA ' f _ Arri //»_47 Z'Zz,u_/' bale gsf- So ts ;&ZLM? é'é& o e | Apja i ma£ ruuhile, ht e carerea/ o t e tb ARS an /_/m/ ' Ima cce d /Zg? Prray) . twheche y _ 1RA cescb e {That Aho é{;.u ) 2/ /cét--e-?/n' /Z'-</ /o_,.;_,«_,j) . | | (e At go 0'1/// aire' tThe bva-&é&/w--;[ /A&AZ eX Aarzga / Caww PM AAiacale, &7 ZtiAa) gaj@, Lc o ul id h. e t & Abhaiezi. %u pra dz /,Zw / re aaduat -- uks fthe Aruuiii) asa) [(fAte, ) Te , J ~tac . 'E ! Uaavw (Q/L&:L -- _ 2Az 74& of "I) AMAK (Qf--éa --~~-- FXre. [o &/,uyulf{_d,@fi fAewv. Sreas -- PW § Faoakho