| E 7 A 2. e %w /g{z,c/f;f/ /}(AZCJ&\ S OFFICERS FOR 1947--48 \~<\www&w&&«\xfi&&xéfi&%«%&%%%@@d President fesp mt uon dnoan Mrs. R. A. Vance ¢ ¢ ToRBoLT ' 1st Vice President iiranicnnam.....~ M¥S, Fred Vance 0 + 'é o" BRANCH | $ CARLETON COUNTY . _ | 2nd Vice President .........................\Mrs. Lioyd Graham 3; $ o Sestuiaty 2l csnls ul ... .. aive. aiienauine, i0 5g Women's Institute | mne pirectts 3 & District Director .. lalos.l. ces .. Mrs. John Poole INSTITUTE CREED ; Pl'ogl' me é\ Treasurer mone Inocnctss...... (Mre: Mervin Ritchie § a'n 4\ i P - e 4 Keep us, O Lord, from pettiness 4 1947 19 4 8 &\ Auditors .................. Mrs. D. C. Davis, Mrs. Justin Davis \, Let us be large in thought, in word and deed. ; _ Hetz f} Committee for Sick . Mrs. Dan Grierson, Mrs. M. Porteous Let us be done with fault finding, and leave off self seek-- é <f\:{\% * [ $ ing. 9e (Wiy\H td May we put away pretence and meet each other face 9 . %FL'/}"I@ 5? i to face, without self pity and without prejudice. ¥ w éi' May we never be hasty in judgement, and always gen-- j ol 4 erous. 4 INSTIT DE 52 PROGRAMME COMMITTEE j 'ceach us to put into action our better impulses, straight | A goodly thing it isst?mle};E o < Mrs. Fred Baldwin, Mrs. W. G. Gordon, | forward and unafraid. \| $ e En A y Mrs. Archi¢ Ritchie, Mrs. Elmer Dolan. it Let us take time for all things, make us grow calm, serene / $ In friendship's circle bright, 5 6 $ ; I and gentle. & Where nothing stains the pleasure sweet, i Grant that gvgfmay realitze that it is the little things that $ _ Nor dims the radiannt light. % create differences: that in the big things of life we i $ are one; and may we strive to touch and know the : No unkind words our 1.1ps ghall pass, gedat dwoman's heart common to us all, and O Lord. $ No envy 50'1" thfi mind, 5 & 1 . God, do not let us forget to be kind. % But each shall seek the common weal, * CONVENERS OF STANDING COMMITTEES ; P The g5od of al! monkind: . Agriculture and Canadian Industries . Mrs. D. C, Davis & prs'k i up & Citizenship ¢ iR Miss Rita Penney & "Punctuality is the Politeness of Kings'. ; Historical Research .................... Miss Lizzie Robinson 7 t 4 Home Economics ... woree Mrs. Jack Grierson , | é Please Try to be on Time g Social Welfare ....... Mrs. Floyd Baidwin #s* - J MEETINGS FIRST SATURDAY OF EVERY | 2Z Publicity _ ... Mrs. W. G. Andersor | ; Pianists .. Mrs Jas. Barr, Mrs. J. A. Baird f f t 3 MONTH AT 2.15 p.m. ; Mrg. Frea Reldwin, Mre. W. G. Anderson: Bexe33000000300000000000000300000003000400 _ -- 1 % i 1»'1' * 14 w