' Historical Research and Currents -- Motto: "Teach children to respect their community Mrs. R. Phillips, Mrs. A. McLaren and the older citizens who made it."-- % Public Relations -- Mrs. C. McLaren Mrs. Morris Storie Home Economics and Health -- Mrs. L. Storie, A group discussion on current events Mrs. Steve McGregor Hostesses: Mrs. Lindsay Storie, Mrs. Leonard | Agriculture and Canadian Industries -- Lindsay Mrs. R. M. McGregor and Mrs. Wes Bahm OCTOBER Citizenship and Education -- Mrs. A. Storie, International Night: Mrs. C. McLaren Mis. M. Storie Home: Mrs. Arthur Storie Curator -- Mrs. R. Phillips L C : her -- ; . c af. | . (, | corar Roll Call: A custom of another country you like ' Auditors Mrs. A. McLaren, Mrs. R. J. McGrego: Motto or Paper: "Remember you are your own 1 JULY doctor when it comes to curing cold feet. . se . ar. --Mrs. McLaren. | ' Historical Research: Mrs. Roland Phillips, Hostesses: \Mrs. Edgar Storie, Mrs. Arthur Storie. ; Mrs. Archie McLaren | Place: Picnic at Waba Lodge and Park for Senior NOVEMBER Citizens and our families OR if weather not suit-- a . dian Industries: Mrs. R. M. . able at Mrs. A. MceLaren's. Ag{lliléi-:;;eor'md anacet | Roll Call: Tell a pioneer story Home: Mrs. R. M. McGregor Mqtto or Papey: Each generation has a part to play Roll Call: Discussion on Canadian Industries in in the making of a new world." Renf're\.v County Hostesses: All for a picnic supper Motto: "Support Canadian products and Canadian AUGUST IIldUStI'iGS .\Vill suppOl't you. . Speaker or films: Home Economics: Mrs. Steve McGregor Produce Sale: Home: Mrs. Steve McGregor Hostesses: \{rs. C. McLaren, Mrs. S, McGregor Roll Call: A comment on hospital life BER * Guests: 4--H members DECEM Paper or Motto: Mrs. Steve McGregor Christmas Party: Mrs. L. Lindsay and Mrs. W. Bahm Hostesses: Mrs. Archie McLaren, Mrs. Paul Loken Home: Mrs. R. J. McGregor Exchange of gifts SEPTEMBER Carol singing Lo g Citizenship: Mrs Morris Storie Hostesses: MceNab Pot Luck oupper Home: Mrs. Leonard Lindsay a | JANUARY ' Roll Call: Name an important Canadian, stating Historical Research: Mrs. R. Phillips, Mrs. A. Mo-- why he is important. Laren 4A 45