| mnsiee _ Smd M oo C nhoateremcmirem' aooomon 0 00 _ 3rd VIC@ _..nnnellllllllllllllzzlll ns Mrs. Leonard Seeley Roll: Grandmother's opinion of present day skirt Secretary _.._____________. Mrs. Ernie Burton length Treasurer ______.__.__._.__.__.__.__.._.. Mrs. Paul Yantha Motto: Learn from the past, work in the present, District Dll'(:}CtOI' conlccccccczccc.c_.. MrsS, John McCallum plan for the future -- Miss M. McNee Alter.nate Dn:ector coccccccc.c___._.. Mrs. Lawrence Seeley Pfipm' on Health: Mrs. J. J. McArthur Public Relations ___--------._....------. Mrs. Ernie Burton 'Il'Gusuy'Cl"S Report » Sale of home made candy Branch Directors: Mrs. Lawrence Seeley, Mrs. Della Mystery Prize: Mrs. J. McCallum Barr, Mrs. Ernie Burton Hostess prize: Miss Mary McNee Canadian Industry and Agriculture: Mrs. Alex P "{%"'8"' Geography Match -- Mrs. Andrew McDermitt ~MECVregor , Historical Research & Current Events: Mrs. Harvey Prizes and gifts for 4--H girls and leaders f c Jameson, Mrs. J. E. Miller Hoestesses: Pot luck supper ; itizenship & Education: Mrs. G ' _ Mrs Delmer McCallum | len McCallum, AUGUST f %Iumtor:' Mrs. John MceCallum llome: Mrs. J. E. Miller ' ome Economics & Health: Miss Mary McNee, Subject: Historical Research and Current Events ' Mrs John J. McArthur Conveners: Mrs. H. Jamieson, Mrs. J. E. Miller ' Roll Call: Name an historical event and an im-- JUNE \I(I))t(zgtm}tl recclent fevent tl t, loses the key to M . WV : He who forgets the past, los < I})I OMC!' Mrs. Milton McCallum the future -- Mrs. Paul Yantha aper on Education by Mrs. Mil Gues ; ' ' Roll Call: Name an A S. i~mlilton McCallum uest Speaker: Mrs. Crawford Dewar _ | Ds uk an MP and give a talk on this Programime: Sr. members to give a brief history otto: We help ourselves wh ' 7 Mrs Roffe when we help others-- of the early days of the W.L. w2 \Whistling Coyt | Plans for the garden party at Mrs. J. E. Miller's Treasurer's Rr; est Bring a contribution, picture or write--up, to be Mystery Prize-p(l)\f[tr Alex placed in the Tweedsmuir History Book shown Hostess Prize: M s. Alex McDermid by Mrs. J. McCallum, branch curator Hostesses: Mis RFSHT. Roffey Tickets sold on article donated by member 25c tea served oitey and Mrs. Milton McCallum | Mystery Prize: Mrs. Paul Yantha | Hostess Prize: Mrs. J. E. Miller * Hostesses: Mrs. Yantha, Mrs. Miller | JULY SEPTEMBER L{Oll)]']e: Miss Mary McNee Home: Mrs John J. McArthur ubject: Invite 4--H Girls Subject: Home Economics & Health -- Miss Mary McNee 38 39