| 1 | 1 Roll--call: Verse from an old autograph album MARCH ' Motto or poem: Mrs. J. A. Young Hostess: Mrs. Edith Lascelle | Refreshments: Historical research committee Topic: Health f | Roll--call: Irish joke, reading or poem N_OVEMBER s Motto or poem: Miss Mary Murphy FII'{OSFGSSkM.TS- 1?- Neill or Mrs. E. Gahan ¢ Refreshments: Health committee opic: Agriculture h Conveners: Mrs. D. Neill, Mrs. G. Bandy, Mrs. R. APRIL Carswell Hostess: Mrs. J. Schubrink Roll--call: Hints for home and farm safety Annual meeting: Reports of Committees Motto: Mrs. W. H. Hamilton Roll--call: Payment of fees Refreshments: Agriculture committee Refreshments: Mrs. R. A. Stewart, Mrs. A. Somer-- DECEMBER ville, Mrs. W. H. Hamilton Hostess: Mrs. R. A. Stewart MAY Christmas program: Public Relations Officers Hostess: Mrs. Reid Carswell Roll--call: Exchange of gifts, donations for Topic: Current Events ' Christmas treats Motto or Poem: Mrs. J. Schubrink , Motto or Poem: Mrs. Reid Carswell Roll--call: A current event or newspaper clipping Refreshments: All members Exchange of seeds, bulbs, plants JANUARY (1970) Refreshments: Current events committee }l;losgess:Ez\ldrs. W. K. Hamilton JUNE opic: ucation Hostess: Mrs. Arnold Somerville Coilfiiflefis&ié\}fll1'sI._'gS.C121.leYoung. Mrs. W. K. Hamilton, Topic: Canadian Industries | ; IV)\IO 1&0311: IP)isplay'\qOf old schoolbooks ?{gtlx'l;es(})lfmlélndthl-s n(l'lllnll)cll?tlltl' ;lxilclzfil%igs bgoxg?lllriltl?e]ftztee Motto or Poem: Mrs. A. Carswell me Leslesi } Refreshments: Education committee FEBRUARY h }Llos'tess: Mll's. W. H. Hamilton y GOS en nternational night Meeting to be held ever i i Tw e it q gl B y third Thursday evening Co{lfi.{;nel\% 1\%113. EI AiltSlewart. Mrs. A. Somerville, ° of each month * 4* Mrs. W. H. Hamilton Roll--call: Item from Home and Country President ... Mrs. John McCallum Motto or poem: Mrs W. K. Hamilton Ist Vice .__________._.. Mrs. Glen McCallum | Refreshments: Above conveners 2nd Vice ____________-------- Mrs. Delmer McCallum 36 ¥il