T"' 10 e iL 2 22 0 g ' Motto: Hundreds of mothers are stars that shine Motto or Paper: Mrs. Ruth Cunningham | but only one mother as nice as mine.---- Suggestions for Fair Prize List Mrs. G. Moorhead Sales table | grizes for] (Erandmothers Hostesses: Mrs. Isabel Levi, Mrs. Ruth Cunningham rogram later ; Sales table + My aa MARCH Hostesses: Mrs. S. Duff, Mrs. John Shaw Home: Mrs. V. Bamice | NO Roll Call: Clipping on Agriculture | lov s V],EMBER * Motto: Let us be done with fault finding and leave | Home: Mrs. R. M Robertson ff self seeki Mr Duff 11 Call: Do v | for C . ty dS O se seekIng, ---- A~IVrS,. ]ean U J Ro d wh you shop for Canadian made goo Program later ana why o l olas. A%: . . : | Visit from District President Hostesses: Miss V. Graham, Mrs. Hilda Levi Contest: Program in charge of Mrs H. Young APRIL Hostesses: Mrs. Muriel Saunders. Mrs. A. Holbein Home: Mrs. R. M. Robertson Roll Call: Pay fees DECEMBER Conveners of Com\nllittqes reports Home: Mrs. Harvey Young Annual Business Meeting Roll Call: Exchange of gifts not to exceed 75c Hostesses: Mrs. H. Young, Mrs. Robertson Motto: I will .honour Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all year.--Mrs. Muriel Saunders MAY Fashion Parade of Aprons to be sold Home: Mrs. G. Moorhead Christmas Music Roll Call; A garden suggestion _ Hostesses: Mrs. W. Barrie, Mrs. W. Melanson Motto: Soil like man deteriorates into abuse-- Mrs. A. Holbein _ JANUARY Exchange of slips glolrln%: 1?'Iri Willian Melanson Sales table p 4 0 all: A verse contain| ] s , Program to be arrange Motto: A message for thell;\%e\tvlngl?d--Peace + Hosgtesses: Mrs. Wm. Wallace, Mrs. A. Melanson ' Mrs. W. Barrie C \ Contest JUNE Hostesses: Pot Luck supper. All members Picnic in White Lake Park FEBRUARY + All members hostesses ' Home: Mrs. A. Holbein f Roll Call: An embarrassing incident in my life 1 26 97