Agriculture and Canadian Industries Roll Call: An impromptu speech on a topic con- cerned with Canadian Industries. Motto: Support Canadian products and Canadian Industries will support you. - Mrs. R. Ferguson Program: Mrs. R. Ferguson. Mrs. D. Ferguson MARCH Home Economics and Health Roll Call: Do something Irish or pay 10c Motto: Safety in the home - Mrs. Wm Humphries Program: Mrs. Bruce Miller. Mrs. Tom Smith Annual Meeting Roll Call: Pay fees and give suggestions for 1970-71 Report of Standing Committees Motto: Three R's -- Respect, Reverence and Responsibility. - Mrs. C. Humphries . Program: Mrs. C. Humphries, Mrs. Gerald Lindsay to the betterment of the world. Motto or paper: Mrs. Gordon Leavoy Program: Mrs. Gordon Leavoy, Mrs. Humphries JUNE Grandmothers Meeting Roll Call: Give name and age of your oldest living relative Motto: Three R's -- Resnect Revnrpnnp and programs Report of Officers of 1969-70 MAY Historical Research and Current Events Roll Cell: Name a person you feel has contributed FEBRUARY APRIL 24 Meetings held second Thursday of each month Honorary President ------------. Mrs. R. M. Robertson' President _--------.-- Mrs. Alex Holbein, Arnprior RR 3 lst Vice ------------------------w------- Mrs. Ruth Cunningham 2nd Vice ------i...-.-e-- "e-----"-.-----.----.---- .Miss Viola Graham Secretary - A. Mrs. William Melanson, Arnprior RR 3 District Director -----_.--.-------.--------.- Mrs. Frank Levi, Pakenham RR Alternate ---i----Ne-._w Home: Mrs. S. Duff Roll Call: A safety hazard in my kitchen that I have corrected Motto: Doing nothing is the most tiresome job in the world. - Mrs. E. Morphy Contest: Mrs. Harvey Young Exchange of household hints by all members Hostesses: Pot Luck Supper. All members SEPTEMBER Home: Mrs. William Wallace Roll Call: A verse from an old school reader Motto: Of all things you wear your expression is the most important. - Mrs. Robertson Paper or Motto: Mrs. Wm. Melanson Each member bring a verse or clipping to read A dozen cookies and recipe to be sold Hostesses: Mrs. C. Moorhead, Mrs. E. Morphy Home: Mrs. E. Morphy Grandmothers Meeting . Roll Call: Your Grandmothers maiden name Clay Bank OCTOBER AUGUST 25 Mrs. William Melanson