wise man um Roll Call: Sugge Program: Mrs. , Hostesses: Miss Mrs Ostroski. Resolutions: Mrs. W. Elliott Motto: World affairs are our affairs Roll Call: A quotation or poem containing the word "peace". Bring a gift for Bonnechere Manor Donation to Smiths Falls Ontario Hospital Program: Mrs. L. Gardner, Mrs. B. Stubinskie, JANUARY Historical Research: Mrs, O'Neil Motto: A community is like a ship; everyone should be prepared to take the helm . Roll Call: Childhood memories of my community Panel discussion on current events Prggram: Mrs. Craig, Mrs. W. Elliott, Mrs. C. IRA--- Moore --M'iV - Hostesses: Mrs. I Family Christmas Party Exchange of Christmas Gifts Convemirs: Mrs. W. Merrifield, Mrs. Mrs. B. Stubinski Mrs. W. Norton Hostesses: Mrs. C. Church, Mrs. O'Neil, Mrs. C. Moore man . r Irs. , l M S. l DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER Eady, Home Economics: Mrs. C. McConnell Motto: Don't itch for something you can't scratch for. Roll Call: Name a leisure activity you enjoy Sale of homemade candy Program: Mrs. G. Church, Mrs. F. Arno, Mrs. Windle. Hostesses: Mrs. Mrs. M. Stou and Secretary Nominating Committee Program: I. Stoughton, Mrs. I Hostesses: Mrs. McIntyre, Mrs. Citizenship and Education: Mrs. Motto: A country like ours shou Motto: The world is like you do Roll Call: Suggestions for fees Election of officers Report of Standing Committees Pot Luck Supper and humble. . Roll Call: Guess the combined Agriculture and Canadian Industries: Mrs. D. Stubinski Motto: We help ourselves when we M555; "ife"iiirfTirsives when we help others Roll Call: Tell of a Canadian mineral and where it is found 7 Mrs. J. A. Craig, Mrs. Stoughton FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL for next years program; pay MAY 21 mirror, reflecting what Mrs. I. Moore should make us proud weight of President . Neely W. Norton Wright,