Home: Programme: Mrs. Brunskill, Mrs. McLeod Motto: The peace of the world depends on food Roll Call: Name, a Canadian industry in which Home: Mrs. Brunskill - '----ii'.-bmtre_M- Programme: Mrs. Donald Stewart, Mrs. Rodney Pettit women participate - Hostesses: Mrs. Brunskill, Mrs. McLeod - ------ new..." Home: Mrs. Allan McLeod Programme: Mrs. McLeod Roll Call: My favorite section in the newspaper Motto: A merry heart is good medicine Home: Mrs. McDermid Programme: Mrs. McConnell, Mrs. McDermid Motto: In youth we learn, in age we understand Roll Call: Something that makes life worthwhile Hostesses: Mrs. McConnell, Mrs. McDermid APRIL Yr , s.d,s 'Annual Meeting this year ybu ery' Hostess/es.. Everyone] Home: Mrs. D. Stewart Programme: Report of the st Motto: There are only as ma year as you make use of Roll Call: Pay fee. One pro FEBRUARY anadian Industries and Agriculture MARCH Citizenship and Education Mothers Meeting Be. One programme we have had enjoyed most. JUNE Public Relations o,nly as many days in the coming MAY the standing committee 18 be a patient. Roll Call: An amusement of pioneer days Program: Mrs. M. Stoughton, Mrs. A. Eady Hostesses: Mrs. D. Stoughton; Mrs. F. Arno; Mrs. C. McConnell Basket Picnic - , . . Motto: A horse can't pull when he's kicking, and he can't kick when he's pulling: thi r Roll Call: Wear your oldest plece of clothing 0 jewellery and give its history.' q . q Program: Each member bring, an item for program _ SEPTEMBER Health: Mrs. A. Eady Mgtto: Be patient at crossing a street, or you . AUGUST Picnic and tour to Kintail Mill, Almonte, Ont. President ...-------e"._-i_t--iii-_- lst Vice-President .--_-..--. 2nd Vice-President ---_-. District Director ---.---.-tr.-- Alternate ---it..-i----------...ii---- Secretary-Treasurer -.-_--- Motto: Don't stay away because the Institute is not perfect. How lonesome we would be in a perfect Institute. Roll Call: A current event Hostesses: Mrs. Rodney Pettit, Mrs. McAdam Meeting is held second Thuizday in the month at 8 o'clock in Community Hall Calabogie JULY 19 -- Mrs. L. McIntyre .--- Mrs. Ed Windle Mrs. w. Merrifield - Miss I. Stoughton Mrs. D. Stoughton -q--q-- Mrs. G. Church m a ay