12 _ l _ 13 plic Relations Officer ............ Mrs. D. D. Phillips %\)/I%etings to be held the second Friday of each NOVEMBER : 2 p.m. : month at 2 p.m Home: Annversary Supper Meeting at Greenes' JULY Restaurant. Roll Call: My favorite time saver. Home: Mrs. W. J. MceNeil. Motto: Good health and good food are two of life's Citizenship and Education: greatest blessings. Roll Call: Name a Federal Minister. , Motto: xa%(e good use of today for tomorrow Will DECEMBER be hnistOry. Hostesses: Mrs. W. J. McNeil, Mrs. D. Brownlee, Home: Mrs. S. MacDonald. Mrs. E. Allan., Rol1l Call: Donation for Christmas Cheer. Motto: Christmas in other lands. AUGUST Hostesses: Mrs. S. MacDonald, Mrs. B. Parsons, Home: Mrs. Edna Russett's cottage. Mrs. B. Phillips, Mrs. E. Allan, | Roll Call: Bring an article to be sold. ' Motto: He who works with nature works with God. JANUARY ; Picnic Lunch. gome: Mrs. D. A. Gillies. 1 esolutions: SEPTEMBER Roll Call: Bring an item for an auction sale Home: Mrs. N. L. Gahan. Motto: Why do we need women on the school Historical Research and Current Events. board? Roll Call: Bring a snapshot and history of same 9 Hostesses: Mrs. D. A. Gillies, Mrs. F. H. Bronskill Tweedsmuir History Book. Mrs. J. Meek, Mrs. C. Donslow. ° Motto: Out of the past the future grows. .L. Hose;{[sres:HMIE. N. L. Gahan, Mrs. F. Merrllflelcsl, FEBRUARY s. H. Bradf bi MrsS. : 1: Ferpuson. ord, Mrs. R. H. Robbins, Home: Mrs. D. D. Phillips. Evening Meeting -- Public Relations OCTOBER . Roll Call: Item read in Home and Co, M f f nd Country. Home: Mrs. J. D. Carmichael Hgggssclersls ti&fie I()lrelgd.Ph'll' M Agriculture and Canadian Industries. G. Desjardins, Mrpg) o oC C:;, Resiardins Roll ~Cthl: NE}TI}IG your favorite flovslf(éi. Bring a do-- Mrs. G. Desjardins, Mrs. C. Hartwick. | nallon OfI Jams, Jellies or Pickles. | ___ Motto: A disappointment of cheap quality ngeX® mABCAR long after the sweetness of a cheap pritt 15 HOme: Mrs. Phil A.rmStrong forgotten. Roll Call: Irish verse. | Hostes:s%s. %Vlrs. J. D. Carmichael, Mrs. W. A., CA Motto: Top of the Morning. : michael, Mrs, E. Russett, Mrs. W. J. McNe!!-- Hostesses: Mrs. P. Armstrong, Mrs. Don St i Mrs. McMahon, Mrs. E, Thomlison. ewart,