Program: Mrs. L. C. Humphries MAREH ~ Economics and Health. | | ts , OCTOBER Motto: Wisdom consists of being afraid at the Citizen and Education, | right time -- Mrs. Don Miller. Motto: The example of a parent is the most | Roll Call :Tell a story or Irish joke. important book a chil:1 can read. Program: Mrs. Campbell Humphries. Mrs. Campbell Humphtries. Roll Call: Aan 1nterelsting book or article I nave APRIL read recently. Annual Mecting, Reports. Pay IWocsos. Program: Mrs. Don Miller. | Election of of%i'cers.p ° NOVEMBER Bring in suggestion for next year's program. Home Economics and Health. MAY Motto: You can't change the past but you can Citizen and Education. gpgll the present by worryins about the Motto: If you can't do big things, do small things RBoll Call-ukrei -- Mrs. Frank Woods. . in a big way --Mrs.Burion Reid. vite lilrrlm:{loé);itg{nbarasmng experience IIEoll Call: A safety hint for holiday goers. Program: Mrs. Campbell Humphrics. rogram: Mrs. Don M:lbe;.E | DECEMBE®R Public Relations. | Christmas meeting and resoluions Motto: Friendship is the cement that holds the Motto: A modern version of a good samaritan world together, Mrs. Garnet Johnston. Roli C H__ Mrs. Gerald Lindsav. Roll Call: An item of interest from a Homs oOll Call: Bring a small gift suitable fo c and Country. | at Bonnechere Manor. ( t _someon Program: Mrs. Carman Cotie and Mrs. George Program: Mrs. William Humphrics. Humphries. | JANUARY CLAY BANK Agriculture and Canadiana Industry. . _ Motto: Why I prefer to bring my children up in Meetings held second Thursday of each month. the country -- Mis. George Humphries. ' Honorary President ... . ... _ ... Mrs. W. A. Young Roll Call: A verse or quotation from Robbie President ... 2222022000 _ _--_ Mrs. H. Young§ p Burns. Vice--Presidents ............ _ MrsS. A(.: }&(f)lg)lem, Togram:: Mrs. Frank Wo--ds. Mrs. W. C. Waillace Wo--ds | Corresponding Secretary ................ Mrs. R. Robbins, FEBRUARY R.R. 3, Arnprior ; Research and Current Events. Recording Secretary--Treasurer -- Mrs. Lloyd Cun-- _' Niotto: Loose ends account for much of life's ningham, R.R. 3, Pakenham. confusion -- Mrs. Wihuiam Wilson. District Director -- Mrs. A. Robertson. Alternate ---- . Roll Call: A valentine verse and a cent for each Mrs. F. Levi, * letter in your name. AUGUST : Program: Mrs. L. C. Humphrics, Home: Miss Viola Graham. i 22 23 '