Roll Call: Each member give a brief history of JUNE | her family dating back to pioneer days. Health -- . Bring an antique dish or ornament. Motto: If you plant a seed of chersetor in the Program: Mrs. D. Stoughton, Miss I. Stoughton. home it will bloom in the community. Hostesses: Mrs. W. Thompson, Mrs. J A. Craig. | Roll Call: Ssomething new in medicine. Guest: Nurse or Doctor. . FEBRUARY Program: Mrs. C. Moore, Mrs. J. A. Craig. Home Economics:. Mrs. J Easton. Hostess: Mrs. W. Elliott, Mrs. L. Emon, Motto: Home making is not a hobby, it is the Mrs. J. Smith. Roll C IYGI% b}l;eath off our existance, 0 all: ILxchange of recej es. Guest Speaker. P CASTLEFORD Program: Mrs. L. Gardiner, Mrs. C McConnel). Mecting held third Tuesday of each month. | Hostesses: Mrs. Mclntyre, Mrs J. Easton, Fresident ... ......... ..... Mrs. Garnet Johnston Mrs. J. Jocko. Castlefox_'(cli First Vice President . ... Mrs. Burton Rei MARCH 260 Tassoe Ave., Renffiew Citizenship and Education: Mrs. L. Emon Ssecond Vice President .. ... . Mrs. Don Mi er Motto: The mind is like a parachute it works Castlefora best when open. Secretary Treasurer ... .. Mrs. Georgs Humphries Roll Call: Name a Minister in the Eedcral Cabinet. R Castleford guest: A Teacher, District Director . ......... Mrs. Win. Humphrics Program: Mrs. L. Emon, Mrs. W. Elliott. Casileford Hostess: Miss E. Box, Miss I. Stoughton. JULY APRIL Agriculture and Industry.. 'no cehea W Annual Meeting -- Motto: Iée Cciannot read his tomhbstone when he's Motto: Vgg?itnl g]ave derived from Instituie work I\'Ielfls..L. C. Humphries. . §011 Call: PaygFegs ycar. Roll Call;ngri&%uastg;rton dealinz with Agriculture , eport of st 1 ] ' -- Elepc;tion of ?)I}gilg]eis.commlttees' Program: Mrs. Frank Woods Institute treat. AUGUST | maAy | No Meeting. Grand Mothers meeting, SEPTEMBER Motto: Face.powder may catch a man, but it takes Historical Research and Curcert Events. _ baking powder to hold a iman. Motto: A Country like ours should make us Roll Call: Exchange of flower slips, A verse proud and humble -- Mrs. Don Miller. from school days. Roll Call: Name an organization through which Program:: By Grand Mothers, we can help the under priviledged Hostesses: Mrs S. Ferguson, Mrs. Augsta Church. countries, : 20 21 f