DECEMBER Rolllggilz Pay fees and a written suggestion for Home: Mrs. S. McDconald. | 0 prosrammes. t p9 Citizenship and Education. Motto: Never say I can't, say I" try. Roll Call: Donation for Christmas cheer. Annual Reports. | Motto: A Story of Christmas in another land. Hostesses: Mrs. F. Bronskill, Mrs. A. Muirhead, Mrs. Hostezses: Mrs. S. McDonald, Mrs. B. Parsons, Mrs. D. A. Gillies, Mrs. W. A. Carmichael. . Fhillips. E. Allan, Mrs. D. D. Finillip MA Y JANUARY gome:é\lrs. C. Desjardins. Home: Mrs. D. A. Gillies. Oome Lconomics and Health, Historical Research and Current Events. Roll Call: What I'd do if I were 21 again. Roll Call: Bring an antique and tell its history. Motto: A good citizen is not content to just sit, she Motto: Let us build for the future, like our fore-- will find her place in the community. fathers built for us. | Exchange buibs and shrubs. Demonstration on gift wrapping. Hostesses: Mrs. C. Desjardins, Mrs. F. Bronskill, Hostesses: Mrs. D. A. Gillies, Mrs. F. Merrifield, Mrs. G. Desjardins, Miss Mima Russell. Mrs. S. Ferguson, Mrs. Cilda Donslow. JUNE FEBRUARY Home: Mrs. F. Merrifield. Home: Mrs. D. D. Phillips. Roll Call: How many years have you been a member Evening meeting -- Public Relations. of Braeside W.I. Roll Call: Speak one minute on a subject draw from MOttfi; Nature never spoils her work by being in a a hat. TT}). Motto: Look nct mournfully into the past. It comes Hoste':-:-ses: Mrs. F. Merrifield, Mrs. E. Mcllquham, not back again. Mrs. S. Ferguson, Mrs. N. Gahan. Guest Speaker. Hostesses: Mrs. D. D. Phillips, Mrs. C. Desjardins, ' Mrs. G. Desjardins, Mrs. E. Sereney. BU RNSTOWN ] Pres Meetings First Tuesday 8.00 p.m. MARCH resident ..........2...2.2222 2. MrRs. Allan McLeod Home: Mrs. Phil Armstrong. Ist Viea ; R1, White Lake Roll Call: Donation of home baking, followed by Vice President ... .. _ Mrs. H. A. Denniston Auction Sale. 2nd Vice President RR1, White Lake Motto: Wisdom is gained by past mistakes. | o ce MrS, J, C.SI;')II?COItlneH Hostesses: Mrs. Phil Armstrong, Mrs. H. Bradford, Sec. Treasg. ... 00. . _ ~PHnAstOwn Mrs. N. Thomilson, Mr's. C. Hartwick, Mrs. P. «... Mrs. Robert 'McDermid McMa'h District Di Renfrew, RR1 cMa'hon. 1C lrector =.......2.2.. Mrs.RII-{I. lA. Denniston , Whit . APRIL JULY t ake Home: Mrs. F. Bronskill. j Annual meeting. Home Economics and Health. 14 15