Roll Call: A country I would like to visit and why? AL:'GUST Motto: No nation can rise higher than its people. Hor'ne: .\Irs.' M. ,Rtlsse;t s cottage. --Mrs. M. Galbraith. Grandmethers meeting. Programme: Speaker -- Mrs. R. J. Elliott. | Roll Call: Bring an article you have grown or Hostesses: Mrs. M. MacKenzie, Mrs. Addie Cardiff. or sewed -- to be sold. itanding Committees for Bonnechere Valley i\)l.()tt.o. éd'et US' grow IOYCJY S1 0\}11318' old. P.R.O.: Mrs. John Henderson, 247 Lyn St. East, icnic Supper, following meetlnb. Renfrew. | | Hostesses: Mrs. R. H. Robbins, Mrs. S. McDonald, Agriculture and Canadian Industries: Mrs. Addie Mrs. C. Desjardins, Mrs. E. Russett, Mrs. R. ° Cardiff, R.R. 2, Repfre\\i'\}l Avchie GCould Mluilins. itizenship and Education: Mrs. Archie uld, it R.R. ZI%), Renfrew. SEPTEMBER Home Ecsnomics and Health: Mrs. Wilson Norman, Home: Mrs. A. Durbrow. 356 McLean St. South, Renfrew. Roll Call: Something I would like to see accom-- H{istorical Research: Mrs. John Henderson, 247 Lyn plished by our Women's Institute. St. East, Renfrew. Motto: There is no better exercise for the heart than Resolutions: Mrs. Murray Galbraith, R.R. 3, Renfrew. reaching out to help someone. Hoestesses: Mrs. A. Durbrow, Mrs. B. Parsons, Mrs. BRAEQH DE J. Beattie, Mrs. J. D. Carmichael. C OCTOBER President ....... .....2.2.222. __0_. Mrs. C. Desjardins Home: Mrs. J. D. Carmichael. First Vice ... ...2222. 20 Mrs. S. McDonald Agriculture and Industries., second Vice _ ... ..l.2.22._. Miss Tina B. Moore Roll Call: Bring a donation -- Jam, Jelly or Pickles Secretary--Treasurer ........_.._. Mrs. J. D. Carmichael, for A. and D. Memorial Hospital. Sand Point. Motto: The turning wheels of industry and the District Director ... .. ... Mrs. R. H. Robbins golden fields of grain join in making cur Branch Directors .. . . ..... 0 ... Mrs. J. Meek, country great. Mrs. Phil Armstrong, Mrs. J. Beattie. Guest Speaker. .. Public Relations Officer ... ... Mrs. D. D. Phillips Hostesses: Mrs. W. A. Carmichael, Mrs. M. Russett, Meetings are held the second Friday of each month Mrs. W. J. McNeil, Mrs. J. D. Carmichael. at 2 p.m. ° NOVEMBER JULY | Home: Mrs. R. Robbins. ' Home: Mrs. W. J. McNeil. Supper meeting United Church Hall. Roll Call: Hint for next year's garden. Roll Call: Your mother's favorite recipe. Bring your oldest coin. 2o . Guest Speaker.. Discussion on advantages of present day shoppin8 !" Motto: No one is rich enough to be without a neigh-- comparison to 1920. e bour. Hostesses: Mrs. W. J. McNeil, Mrs. C. DesjardinS, Hostesses: Mrs. R. Robbins, Mrs. J. Meek. Mrs. N. Mrs. D. D. Phillips, Miss Tina B. Moore. Gahan, Miss M. Hanson, Mrs. C. Young. 12 13