Meetings held second Thursday of each month President Mrs. Steve McGregor Vice-Presidents Mrs. Cameron McLaren, Mrs. R. M. McGregor. Secretary-Treasurer District Director Mrs. Mervin Miller Branch Directors Mrs. R. J. McGregor, Mrs. Emerson Storie, Mrs. Cameron McLaren. Auditors Mrs. T. W. Brett, Mrs. Morris Historical Research Conveners---Mrs. R. J. McGregor, Mrs. lViervm Miner Place-Mrs. Leonard Lindsay Roll Call-What I would do if I were 21 again. Motto-me kind to the aged for they have come a long way. Help the young for they have. a long way to go.--Mrs. R. Phillips. 3 minute discussions on following: Are the girls of today an improvement on the girls of 40 years ago? Do years teach us more than books? Are the young people today better citizens than the youth of yesterday? Were the unions of 50 years ago happier than the unions of today? Exchange of ideas. Hostesses-Mrs. Morris Storie, Mrs. Mervin Miller. Home Economics and Health P1ace--Mrs. Harvey Miller Roll Call-using one dozen cookies and recipe sa1e--/2iic Motto-At you are happy and healthy No need to be wea1thr---Mrs. i Hostess-Mrs. Harvey Miller Storie. Glasgow Station, Ont. 1,,0alWllNllsl0thll McGregor, Mrs. Mervin Miller AUGUST JULY 28 Mrs. Garfield Miller, ifirrsr"'Etigar Storie. for McLaren. Place-a/Irs. Roland Phillips. q Roll Calr-lxchange of Christmas gifts. "Motto-lt everybody cared epoughyyy1 everybO'EiLy Citizenship and Education Convenew--Mrs. Morris Storie, Mrs. Arthur Storie. Place-i/rs. Steve McGregor Roll Calr--A good book or magazine to read. Motto-You will find it easier in life's school if you will obey each law and rule. ---Mrs. R. J. McGregor? iustesses--M:s R. wr. McGregor, Mrs. T. W. Brett. Speaker--. Htrstesses-pot Luck Supper . OCTOBER Agriculture and Canadian Industries Convenersr--Mrs. Roland Phillips, Mrs. Leonard Lindsay. Place-Curr,. R. M. McGregor Roll Calr-Something I should do to improve the appearance of our farm home. Motto-A good plant is not likely to grow from bad seed.----?). Morris Storie Program on Federation of Agriculture Husbands as guests. Pie and ice-cream supper. NOVEMBER Community Activities and Public Relations Lhonveners---Mrs. R. M. McGregor, Mrs. T. W. Brett. Place--Mys. Garfield Miller Roll Call-Suggestions for an evening's entertain- ment. Motto-Before you try to keep up with the Jones', hristmas Party Onveners--Mrs 'L "-"s-"d'"""'"d --'V-""'e"""'" - shared enough, everybody would have enough. ---Mris. Finlay McCormick. find out where they are going. ----Mrsm Arthur Storie. Mrs" Finlay McCormick, SEPTEMBER ECEMBER 29--- Mrs. Cameron