Place of Meeting-- subject-Education) Roll Ca11---a/fernortt Motto-Alive to the best will cor Prlzer-- Program Hostess-- Place of Meeting-Mrs. W. T. Roffey Roll Call-----" industry in McNab Twp. subject-Canadian Industries Motto-As the twig is bent, the tree. shall Program--Mrs Hostess-Mrs. Place of Meeting Roll Call-A Ch: Motto-Peace, on Pcogram----Mrs. J. J. Nlcuauu: Exchange of Christmas gifts. Hostess-lv-one. JANUARY Place of Meeting-Mrs. J. J. McArthur. Subject-Agriculture-Mrs. M. McCallum. Roll Call-A hint for next year's garden. Motto-tet everyone do her duty. Speaker---- Sale of articles made from sugar bags. Proararrr---Mrs. J. E. Miller, Mrs. M. McCallum. Discussion on Fair Work Hostess-uh/hs L. Seeley, Mrs. Ernie Burton. FEBRUARY Place of Meeting-a/hrs. Harvey Jamieson. Subject-Home Economics and Health Roll Calr--97hat to do to relax Motto--drimi words are worth much and cc r1ze _1i.ii'iiiri'rG"'ries of your first school teacne lve to the world the best you have and -. will come back to you. --Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Roffey. Mrs. Alex McDermid. Mrs. Harvey Barr NOVEMBER twig is bent, the tree. shall grow. Alex McDermid, Mrs. Harvey Barr R. M. Phillips, Mrs. Della Barr. DECEMBER ing-a/hs. J. E. Miller. Christmas verse. on Earth, Good Will toward Men. _ J. J. McCallum, Mrs. Fred Best OCTOBER " Alex McDermid. er. 26 th much and cost little. school teacher. you have and the Program-Mrs. Harrniman, Mrs. Brown. Prize-- Hostess-Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Peever. MARCH Place of Meeding--iMrs John McCallum. Roll Call-Name a place in Ontario the same as in Ireland. Motto-Don/ speak of other's faults till you have Al Jamieson. none of your own-Mrs. Harvey . Program-Mrs. Peever and Mrs. Harvey Jamieson. Current Events-Sale of Grab Bags Prize--. Hosteirses--.Mrs J, JI McCallum and Mrs. M. APRIL Place of Meeting-Mrs. Fred Best. Roll Call-----) your fees. Motto-Take it easy because you can ba taken so easy. Election of Officers Annual Business Beports of Standing Committee Best fi2'f,ss-aMrs. J. J. "lily/p Mrs. Fred lt' . iller Place of il?,y,1iyr,r,e)fr,e, W'eiiley M Subject-Mothers Day ong'la flower Roll Call-Name your favorite . on} Mother. Motto-The heart of the home IS y Pro ram-Everyone. ies Congtest of home-made candy and cooki Prize . t A nual Dele ate to Distric n . . ' don Ch Ii-tled/gi/ed),: Wesley Miller, Mrs. Gor Place of Meeting Roil Call-icuii; Mot,to--It vou arr wealthy. ?rogram---Mh. L. Seeley, Miss McNee. Report of District Annual Hostecssss:--Mrs/ Roffey, Mrs. Robertson. r:iies---qMrs. J. J. McCallum and Mrs. M. McCallum. msetHg-----Hall. -Recipe for cold supper dish. you are happy and healthy; no need to be JUNE 27 JS. Gordon Cooke