Roll Call : A pleasure our Grandmothers enjoyed APRIL which we miss today. ' {Annual) Hostesses : Mrs. Merrifield, Mrs. Donslow. s Home : Mrs. A. Gould. . . & Motto : "There is only as many days in the coming AUGUST f year as we make use of"".--Mrs. D.'C. McFarlane. Picnic ' Roll Call : Pay fees and criticize last year's programme. RPoll Cail : A trip | would like to take and why. :. Programme : . . Motto : All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. | Election of Officers. Hostesses : Miss M. Hanson, Mrs. Wm. Meek, Mrs. J. Installation of Officers. Mullin. Hostesses : Pot Luck Supper. SEPTEMBER MAY Subject : Community Activities and Public Relations. .« Home : Mrs. P. Armstrong. : Mrs. E. te. : s . ?A%T;S): "lfrswe Smathg reap well, so should we sow Motto : It is bette.zr to give than to receive. _ good seed".--Mrs. R. Watt. Roll gall : .Do?iahorj cl>f Jam, Jelly or Pickles for the _ | i ttending a short rnprior Hospital. Rol! SgllJIrsg.omeThlng | gained from afftending Hostesses : Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Hartwick, Mrs. Mc-- Programme : Convener, Mrs. Lew Smith. Mahon. Hostesses : Mrs. A. Laird and Mrs. P. Wilson. OCTOBER Home : Mrs. W. A. Carmichael. JUNE Roll Call : My hobby. Home : Mrs. W. Galbraith. . Motto : Count your many blessings. Motto : No one is rich enough to be without a neigh-- hostesses : Mrs. Ray Sereney, Mrs. Mcllquham, Mrs. bour.--Mrs. Arnold Cardiff. R. Fairfield. goll Call : DidCyou know/\/{hat--A_--}\--/i--l? o NOVEMBER rogramme : Convener, Mrs. A. MacKenzie. aopl o u: . -- . Hostesses : Mrs. F. Cotie and Mrs. J. Jack. }S_i%?:]eecj .l\/\gs'."zYi)nuS:gl;p and Education Motto : Citizenship begins at Home. BRAESIDE Roll Call : A book I have read by a Canadian author. Hosteéses :"Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. M. C. jeet{ | | th at 2 p.m. ' yssell. Meetings held second Friday of each mon | | DECEMBER President .2 222 22220 . Mrs. W. A. Carmichae Home : Mrs. Ray Sereney. Vice Presidents ... Mrs. Wm. McNeil and Mrs. Donslow Roll Call : Donation to provide Christmas cheer. District Director _ o o n _ n _ _ Mrs. W. E. Thomson IAV/}O"%: A Me";ry Chrisftmis to All. -- in, Braeside « embers exchange of Christmas gifts. Secretary--Treasurer _ Mrs. Robert Mullin Hostesses : Mrs. Manson, Mrs. Dundas. JULY Subject : Historical Research and Current Events. Subi . JANUARY, Home : Mrs. J. Realtte HU ect : Agriculture and Canadian Industries. Motto : Each generation should improve upon the past ome : Mrs. Mcllquham. -- 12 -- -- 13 --