| Roll Call : Hints on the care of house plants. . ' Motto : A recent development in Canadian industries CALABOGIE ' or agriculture. _ }' Hostesses Mrs. McNeil, Mrs. J. Meek. Meetings held in Community Hall second Thursday 1 FEBRUARY | of each month at 8.30 p.m. ' Valentine Party. President L.._._.____.__._._c2cz2zczzczcl2clcllclcll..nn. Mrs. J. Ostroskie Home Mrs. Thomson. . | Ist Vice President ___.._.._.._____.____ Mrs. G. Church Roll Call : A vegetable and your favorite way to serve 2nd Vice President ________.__------_ Mrs. S. Ferguson Demol:{sfrafion Secretary--Treasurer ... __.___._.--. Mrs. E. Mceintyre Hostesses : Mrs. R. Mullin, Mrs. Merrifield. District Director . ... ... 22222222 Mrs. J. S. Craig Branch Directors _._._.. Mrs. G. Church, Miss M. Braden MARCH Auditors _ ... _ . __.. Mrs. L. Emon, Mrs. J. Easton Subject : Home Economics and Health. Home : Mrs. Muirhead. | C c JULY Motto : Kic-;ep the family yearning within the family Basket picnic at Edge--Syde Cottage, Norway Lake. Roll Ezrl?- ,gl-\.n accident prevention Motto : Can _ we judge by race and c;olc?r. H?)stesses.: Mrs. Bronskill, Mrs. Beattie. Ro!l! Call : The popular person whistling contest. AUVGUST A | Meetin APRIL Citizenship and Education. Hnnua. Mfse ' Bgradford Motto : Character is a victory not a gift. Rc?lrlne(fa||~ i'ayment 5J Foss f;oll Call : Afgood]C bé)é)k or magaziEehto read. ' AaA: . aper : Benefits o ucation Week held in Ontario. Hostesses : Mrs. Mcllquham, Miss Mima Russell. The importance of Citizenship. MA Spelling Match | | Y Program : Mrs. J. Moran, Miss C. Smith. Home : Mrs. Bronskill. . Hostesses : Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. W. Elliott. Motto: Health is wealth, let no one be a spendthrift. Roll Call : One dozen cookies for sale. | SEPTEMBER Hostesses : Mrs. D. A. Gillies, Mrs. E. Sereney. Historical Research Motto : Our heritage is from the past, our responsi-- JUNE bility for the future. Home--Mrs. Merrifield. Roll Call : A local historical tale. Roll Call--A verse with the word gladness. « Debate : Resolve that the wives of to--day are happier Motto : Let me live in a house by the side of the road , _ than their grandmothers. and be a friend to man. Visit oi District President. Homemade Candy Sale. Garden Hints for Fall. Mystery Box. Contest : Trim a hat with vegetable and model it. Hostesses : Mrs. Carmichael, Mrs. Robbin. Program : Mrs. L. Emon, Mrs. G. Stoughton. Hostesses : Mrs. J. Ostroskie, Mrs. C. McConnell. -- 14 --