MARCH Canadian Industries and Agriculture : CI-AY BANK Convenor : Mrs. L. C. Humphries , ; . Roll Call: An advantage and a disadvantage of living Meetings held secg?dz 'gfltfil)(s:fiay of each month on a farm. . Motto: Don't itch for anything you are not prepared gl?e?s(i)clii;}t' President """--"I{/I-r_s"L%I;c.i 'g.urfiiir?gohznn% to scratch for.--Mrs. Campbell Humphries 1st Viece 20222 202222.222220.0000 Mrs. W. J. Melanson APRIL 2nd Vice _ _ ____________________ Mrs. Harvey Young Annual Meeting : Secretary Treasurer _______.__ Mrs. W. C. Wallace, Roll Call: Why I belong to the W.I. R. 3, Arnprior Programme : Bring written roll calls and mottos District Director --__--_. .________. Mrs. Alex Holbein signed with your name on it for next year's Pianist lul e i . . Mrs. Gerald Moorehead programme books. JULYX Pay your fees--Election of Officers. * Picnic at Graham's Flat . MAY Sports Committee: Harvey Young, Bill Wallace, Mrs. ' | Resolutions : Harvey Young, Grace Holbein. Convenor: Mrs. J. Towie Booth: Ermel Bole, Frank Levi. Roll Call :dliringl a present day snap of your home Basket Lunch : All ladies hostesses. , and family for Tweedsmuir history. { Motto : Laugh more, worry less and keep young AUGUST ' --Mrs. R. Farrell Home : Mrs. Carl Graham Presiding Officer: Mrs. Earl Morphy \ . JUNE Roll Call: Your favorite recipe Historical Research--Mrs. C. Humphries Motto: Happenings of today make history of to-- Roll Call: Three minute speech from subject draW" morrow--Mrs. Stewart Duff from a hat. Programme to be arranged later. Motto: It is not the hours that count but what We Hostesses: Mrs. Frank Levi, Mrs. Earl Morphy put in them.--Mrs. Wm. Wilson. . SEPTEMBER Dele fetri gates Report of District Annual. Home: Mrs. Earl Morphy Grandmother's Meeting Presiding Officer: Mrs. R. M. Robertson ; Motto : Deep in my heart the whole year through, Is ever a thought, dear Grandmother of you. --ivirs. McCauley. Roll Call: Something I remember about my grand-- mother Recitation : Mrs. R. Robbins Prize for oldest and youngest grandmothers. HMHostesses: Mrs. John Shaw, Mrs. A. W. Stewart