1"oW?-Nctoper has fia11en leaves, but it also has ' wager horizon more clearly seep-Mrs. Wm en P. _ Roll Call-A vegetable or flower starting with the initial of my name. Children's Aid Speaker. iHbstesses-Mirs. Wm. Fender, Mrs/ Livingston, Mrs. Mack Gibbons. NOVEMBER-citizenship. (Home-Mrs. Wallace MeGregor. Study our hand book. . R01]. Claf11--0ne wav I can ho :1: trrsaA ni'l-i'vyon AUGUST-H0xme Economics and (Health. Home-lures. Clinton Ferguson. Paper-aes. Jas. Fulton. ' . - Roll Call-lf you had one more labour savmg Ile, Vice what would it be. . .Motto---He spent his health to to get his wealth, And then by might and main He turned around and spent his weaMih To get his health again-Mis. W. McGregor, . J.?..em.onstratliop-----Hafdresssing, Mrs. Earl EJodgins. (Hi'ostesses--iMrs. Jeffrey, Mrs. Roy Headrick, Mrs.. Geo. Reid. SEPTEMBER-Education. Home-ale;. J as. Fulton, Paper,----):;. J as. Campbell. Motto-You ture never to old to learnr-Nrs. Alex Stewart. Roll Call-How I can cooperate with my school and teacher. Question Box. . Hostesses-Mjrs. Wim. Pettigrew, Mrs. Ken Eve, Mrs. Bazil Mick. oCNBER-Canadian Industries and Agriculture. Hiame---Mrs. W m. Box. Paper-aes. Ken Eve. _ Mottor-oOctober has fiallen leaves. but it also has Page Ten we way I can be as good citizen. (Motto-No one is rich enough to do without neigh- bours-iMrs. J. Roy. _ "ost-ess-es-NYS. Thos. Proctor, Mrs. Harry Gib- bones, Mrs. John L. Hodg,ins. DE CEMBER-Community Activities. Hkyme--Mrs. Harry Gibbons. . . Pro,zram----Mrs. Walter Bowes. Motto-ff everybody cares enough, and everybody share enough, everybody will have enough-- Mrs. H. McDonald. Roll Call-IA verse from a Christmas Card. iHostesses--Mrs. R. E. Wilson, Mrs. Alex Stewart, Mrs. R. F. Proctor. J AN UARY-HHlistorical Research. ETome---Mrs. E. Jeffrey. Paper-A great Canadianl--iMrs. J. L. Campbell. lPu'Oll Call-A Canadian Author: . Motto-Forgeting those 1ihiroigs which are behind . and reaching forth unto those things which are . behyre I 'press- torward.-Nirs. Wm. Headrick. Canadian 'Quiz-cures. Geo. Reid. Hostesses--eMrs. J as. Campbell, Mrs. C. Ferguson, . ers. AVm. Headrick. ." . "_"'. FEBRUARY-dValentine Party. . Htonie-Mrs.' A. Blackwell. . . . Programme committee-Mrs. Wm. Pettigrew, Mrs. W. Hodgins, Mrs. H. Briscoe. Roll Call--) candy recipe and bring. some. . ' _ Motto-The story of St. 1ralentine--.-Mir?. Harry Gibbons. " . N . . . Hbstesses--Mrs. Harold Briscoe, Mrs. Wlalter Bow- es, Mrs. John, Roy. ...' .. ". -' MARCH-Agriculture, _, . _ ", Home-Mrs. J. F. Foy. . . . . Roll Call-An Irish Joke. . . . " . Motto-A short sketch on a fantous .firishman---- Mrs. Mack Gibbons. Page Eleven