Meeting second Tuesday of each month - OFFICERS Honorary President.....,...................-); R. M. Gem-mlll President.............,,.....,..........,.......-.........,.............' Myra Lindsay Vice-Presidents-Nm. N. Howson, Mrs. B. Cunningham fijeertttary-Treasurer. . . ....... . . . .-........... . . . ......Mrs. Archie Bennett community. - Historical Resiearch--Convener, Mrs. L. Anderson Contest. Speaker-Mr. Allan Ward. Hostess-Mrs. Lindsay. . SEPTEMBER-Mrs. A. Bennett. Motto-Let me live in , house by the side of a JUNE, 1949-. _ Motto-Every year has a !nliNr beginning. Roll t11y11nstitufe might try to District Director.....~....~.................................Mrs. P do in the. coming year. '3'" "" -- rogram--Industry and Agriculture. Mrs. , Report of Delegate to District Annual. S Taylor. Report of Guelph Convention. . Speaker---). R. M. Simpson. 1%rstesses--Mrs. Smith and Mrs. McDonald. JULY-picnic at Edgewood Park. Business Meeting. Sports and . " Everybody bring a friend. Prizes. Hostesses--A1l members. . , AUGUST-Mrs. M. Lindsays' C?.rpo,.sandy Beach. Motto-Every day in Thy life IS a leaf in Thy History. . . Roll Call-Ap experience in your own or strange Page Four road and be a friend to man. Roll Call-A way to be neighbourly. Speaker-Mrs. C. Dewar, District President. Guests-Pine Grove W.I. Hostesses-Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Robertson. ARNPRIOR . L. Anderson Roll Call--) National Holiday and its significance. C71tizenship---Mrs. Wright, oanvener. Speaker-hir. A. A. McLean. Hbstesses---iMrs. Dupuis, Mrs. Moorehouse. F" FEBRUARar--iMrs. L. Anderson. Motto-Better pay the cook than the doctor. Roll Call-A remedy. for a cold, burn or poison. Social Weltare--iMrs. A. Dupuis, convener. Speaker-Dr. D. Best. Contest. Hostesses--Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. McKie. hospital. - Speaker-Rev. Austin. Hiostesses-Mrs. Cannon, Mrs. Brennan. DEClEtMBWb--Mrs. E. Pell. rl iMiottp---711er? is always one way to Joe happy and that is to make someone else happy. Roll Call-Exchange of Christmas Gifts. Christmas Story and Carol Singing. Speaker--Rev. A. Mills. Hostesses--Mrs. Pell, Mrs. Taylor. JANOARY--iMrs. A. Dupuis. Happy New Year! 18th Birthday Meeting. Motto-N/hat does the New Year mean? from press. - - Speaker-ddr. W. H. McFarlane. Hjostesses--Mis. Slater, Mrs. Bethune. NOVEMBER-Mrs. T. Cannon. - Motto-Lest we forget. Roll call-A relative who served in either world OCTOBER-Mrs. Eric Slater. Publicity Convener-Mrs. S. G. Wilson. _ Motto-Wo -rnatter hqw good the muse trap, it war. Social Welfare-Mrs. A. Dupuis, convener. Report from Area Convention. Dongtion; of fruit or vegetables for A. and D. has to be advertised." -- Ro1l,Cti1l----A report of any wt meeting taken