f i i INSTITUTE ODE A goodly thing it is to meet J ' In Friendship's Circle bright, M Where nothing stains the pleasure sweet Nor dims the radiant light, M | No unkind word our lips shall pass, '! h Nor envy sour the mind, h/ But each shall seek the common weal, ; ) The good of all mankind. ' | INSMITIUTE CREED _ " '\ f 4 | i | I\eep us from pettiness; let us be large ¥ | in thought, in word and deed. ho | Let us be done with fault finding and > | _ _Jeave off self--seeking. _ EE _ May we put --away all pretence and meet | each other face to face, without self 4 | pity and without prejudice. ~ 1 May we never be hasty in judgment and | ' [ oC always generous. 24 , Teach us to put into action our better \ impulses, straight--forward and un-- A afraid. i | Let us take time for all things; make $1,0M k us grow calm, serene, gentle. | $ May we realize that it is the little ul things that create differences; ]'that l in the big things of life we are one. t | And may we strive to touch and know | |f the great human heart, common to c us all. C | And O, Lord, let us not forget to be kind. M | , { p: '