Page Forty--Seven Page Forty--Six o t ie terangiess. seure um rmes m omm neneseaneromesuan en omm mnercore n ooo nnmronooermrmmmommmrmommestnniitmmementomenmmmmentmd modinomutesnen Committee--Mrs. Wilfred Crozier, Mrs. Kenneth MARCH-- Briscoe. Home--Mrs. Moir. . Program--Mrs. Allan Frances. | . . Motto----If tombstones told the truth everybody Hosiesses--Mrs. C. R. Crozier, Mrs. . Clifford would wish to be iburied at sea. Mrs. Findlay. Crozier. f . Roll Call--An Irish joke or story. Speaker--District President. JULY--Home of Mrs. Kenneth Briscoe. Hostesses--Miss Hyde, Mrs. Lenser. Motto--Men and pins are useless when they lose % their heads. . APRLIL-- Roll Call----Your favourite dessert and recipe. Home--Mrs, Hudson. ' Committee--Mrs. W. L. Crozier, Mrs. Perey Motto--What we as an Institute can do to better Crozier. our community. Mrs. H. VanDusen. . | Program--Mrs. Emerson Briscove. Roll Call--Pay fees. Hostssses--Mrs. Allan Crozier, Mrs. Emerson Reports of Standing Committees. Brisene. § Hostesses--Mrs. C. Jackson, Mrs. H. Jackson. * AUGUST--Schoo!. , MAY-- j Motto--Don't skip the unpleasant things or put Home--Mrs. Clarke. off doing what must be done some time any-- Motto--Patience and time c onquer all things. ' way. it is Mrs. J. _ W. Fraser. Roll Call--Name a Cansdian city and what 1t 1 é Roll Call--Exchange of seeds and slips. noted for. . ~ ifred | Contest. Committee--Mrs. Wilbert Crozier, Mrs. Wilfre | Demonstration of Cookies--Mrs. Hudson. Crozior. Hostesses--Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Fumerton. Speaker--Mrs. John Henderson. irz0gram----Mrs. Clifford Peever. 1 ROSEBANK + Hostesses--Pot Luck Supper. --« q\ f er. | Meetings held Fourth Wednesday of Each Month. SEPTEMBER--Home of Mrs. Alien CTOZ! soech but Motto--You may often regret yOUr SDP - 0 F F I C E R S seldom your silence. age | R . + Roll Call--One cent for each year of your age. PYESIUCNL»s»--»»»»mnmmnimmanmononunnniecrsscmcesML¥$. W,. A. CrOHSP Committee--Mrs. Clifford Peever. | 1st Vice--President....................._MrS. Allan Frances Progrsm--Mrs. Kenneth Briscoe. | and Vice--President..........._._._..@.._@_..MFS. CG. _R. Orozier HOStegses _Mrs. Wilfred Crozier, Mrs. Andy | Secretary--TreASUFET..........0ucck..nn.........MISSs Eva Crozier CroziJ 4 JUNE--Home of Mrs. Emerson Crozier. OCTOBER--Home of Mrs. Irvin Crozier. . | Roll Call--Maternal and paternal origin of your Motto--A laugh is worth one hundred groans in I ancestors. . , . any market. "Chas. mmb-ay | Motto--Truth is the best sideline you can carry. § ' | \ |