SElh'?,rnBER---Pubiicitsr. Convener-Mrs. Mervin Miller. Motto-We need you at our me Graham K-ewley. Roll Call-dt ypu could have just one Page Thirty-Eight President............. . . .... Meetings held second Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. woman. Report on [District Annual. ' Pie"-jrss. Reid Carswell and Mrs. C. Phi JULY-Agriculture and Canadian Industries. Convener-gms. Leonard Lindsay. Motto-No nation can rise higher than its Mrs. R. J. McGregor. Roll Call-Name a nationality that make Canadian people. Pie-Mrs, Garfield (Miller, Mrs. Mervin 1' AUGUST-Historical Research. . Convener-iMrs. Roland Phillips. Motto-We are building for the future Leonard Lindsay. Roll Call-Name a pioneer of your towns Pie-Mrs. Lindsay Storie, Mrs. Morris: f2F lst vice-President.......-...-.........,......,....), Garfield Miller 2nd Vice-President.....................................LMrs. Emerson Storie Secretary-Treasurer..................'......Mrs. Robert J. McGregor District Director..................,...........................]). R. M. McGregor JUNE-school Hall. Convener-Mrs. Arthur Storie. Motto-Oon't worry about your work, do you can and let the rest go with a smile Emerson Sorie. Roll Call-Name a famous Canadian m .-im.ri_ UV... ;L JY" uuulu nave Just one more lalkour saving device, what would it be? Pie--Mrs. Roland Phillips, Mrs. Emerson Storie. LOCHWIN N OCH famous Canadian man or .--.,.Mrs. Reid Carswell the future. Mrs. our township. Morris Stone. meetings. Mrs irervin Miller. make up our . Phillips. r do what smile. Mrs. people. R. M. McGregor. Roll Call-A quick dessert. Hostesses--iMrsi. fl. M. McGregor, Mrs. M, Mrs, Jas. F. Storie. DECEMBER-christmas Party. - Place-Mrs. Robert J. McGregor. Convener-Mrs. R. M. McGregor and Mrs. OCr0BER--nailowe'en Party. Place-Mrs. Graham Kewley. Convener-Mrs. Emerson Storie. Motto-Willing workers work wonders. Mrs. James F. Storie, Roll Call-iChat-ge of pot holders or forfeit 10c. Hostesses-Everybody. NOVEMBER-Home Econocics. Place-Mrs. Mervin Miller. Co,nvener--Mrs. Edgar Storie. Motto-Demonstration on cutting layer cake. Mrs. J AN UARY Storia d Motto-Try to make others happy an happy] 'Mrs. Edgar Stone. ' Roll Call-What does Christmas mean I A Christmas Story. Carols. Exchange of Christmas gifts-. Hostessiis--Mrs. Edgar Stone,' Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Arthur Stone. -'""s'P%.NN» 'Axpvuj. 'Pul, 'ULJ- uA-~-- .e-" . can do today. .Mrs. Lindsay Stone. Roll Call-Auction Sale of articles made yard print or flour bag. I " Hrsfesses..1.M/s. Morris' Stone), Mrs. .Ps.iace-----Mrs. Garfield Miller. - Convener-a/Irs. Graham KeWIey' ' Motto-Never put off UPUIJOF'g LiGisasTii"irs. 'Lvlhdéay Storie. Page "Thirty-Nine to what you from one Leonard 1ou-'11' be G artield Arthur Miller,