Page Twenty--Six Page Twenty--Seven e yA e l n xm oo omm SibiGam ce rameyprocmune acuncouith APRIL-- JUNE 9--Agriculture and Can2dian Industries. ... ... Conveners--Mrs. Donald McLean, Mrs. John Mc-- Home--Mrs. Harvey Shaw. ' Millan, Mrs. A. S. Dewar. Presiding Officer--Mrs. William Cunningham. Home--Mrs. Stewart Carmichael. Motto--Besauty is only skin deep, but charzsecter Roll Call--Hints on the care of house plants. penetrates to the innermost marrow. Mrs. Motto--In the heart of a bulb is the promise of W. A. Young. spring. Mrs. C. Dewar. + Roll Call--Exchange of slips or seeds. Guest Speaker--Miss Ina Lindsay. . ' Pa'-pelj--Pu'blicity. Mrs. Alex Holbein. Guests--Tracher snd pupils of 1ocs.17_sch-ool. . Resading--Mrs. Howard Watson. Hostesses--Mrs. Roy McMillan, Mrs. Rhoddie .Hostessesthrs. A. W. Stewart, Mrs. Alex Holbein. Bahm. MAY-- a JULY 14--Picnic at Rhoddy's Bay. | Home--Mrs. J. W. Cunningham. Home--Cottage of iMrs. Donald Dewar. j Presiding Officer--Mrs. Frank Levi. . Roll Call--Name your birthplace and one of your | Roll Call--Pay your membership fee. earliest recollections. | Paper--Citizenship. Mrs. Kenneth Campbell Motto--Put your talent in the W.I. snd watch the Motto--The more we get together, the hr:.ippier way it will multiply. iMrs. S. Carmichael. & -twe'll be. Mrs. Enmel Bole. Hostesses--Everyone. Contest--Mrs. Es , | | Community Sirngilr'l%g.Morphy AUC'}}IJST 1%&--500&&1 'q},elga%.e« | Hostess 5 Mrs. J s me--IMTrS. TaDwIor war. s * . ha.rr?. ts dJolhin Shaw, Mrs J. W. Cunning-- Conveners--Mrs. Roy McdMillan, Mrs. D. Dewar, Mrs. E. McLean. | 22222222 Roll Call--A health building habit. tOZ ) j | v Motg(c})]___?-ealfi is weal'thfi Let no one be a spend-- | . | ' rift. iMrs. H. Bahm.. DEWARS I(-}Iostissg--Mxl;s. E. .McLeém. A 200C . -- ' -- Gues peaker--iDr. Giberson, Arnprior. j Mezating on Second Wezdlil)ersrglay of Each Month t Guests--Galetta W.L. ho *> o S SEPTEMBER 8--Gra her's Day--Historical Re 0 F F I CE RS | s Coren. randmother's 4s § Honorary President..........Mrs. Herman Bahm Con'i_?nesrf--MI'S- C. B&hm, Mrs. G. McLean, Mrs. ; : . Storie. PreSIdentMrs Charles Bahm . Hom:----Mrs. Alfred Bahm. 1st Vice--President............._._..@..MTS,. Ggorge Lavalles Roll Call--Grandmother's hobby. , 2nd Vice--President....................._._.Mrs. Roy McMillan Motto--What difference will it make fifty years Secretary--TreASUT@T..........:......c..........MrS. Mac McMillan p from now? Mrs. G. Lavaliee, | | Braeside RBR 1 Matf:'delolg Ol((ij Fa;hlc()){ldedTClothgs. | Eufyt s hEws | ical Parade 0 ime Songs. | District DirectOr.............._._._Mr5s. Stewart Carmichael Hostess--Mrs. Mac McMillan. £ (