Page Twenty JUNE--- lst Vice-President..............................................Mrs. Carman LCotie 2nd Vice-President...........................Mrs. William Humphries Seeretary-Treasurer-......-...-...-Mrs. Reuben Farrell District Director........................................-Mrs. IL. C. Humphries Paper-Canadian-ization. Reports of Standing Committees. Election of Officers, Hostess-Miss M.'Braden. MAY-Home, Ecoonmies. Home-Mrs. Stewart Ferguson. Motto-init work your 3body till your brains Roll Call-A Motber's Day verse. won't work. Exchange of Flower Slips. _Piperc-Planting the Home Garden. Hints on Housecleaning. . Pragrammeu-Planned later. Hostesses-Mrs. S. Ferguson, Mrs. D. Stoughton. President....................,. Meetings held Third Tuesday of each month at JUNE-- Convener-Historical Risearch--Mrs. Chas. Logan. JN/rohto-il.?on't,. body until your brain won't work. Mfs. Wm. Farrell. " -_' w- Roll Call-A fact about a prominent Canadian woman. Program-Mrs. Charles Logan. Home-Mrs. J. A. Craig. Motto-iLife is what you put into it.. Roll Call-Name a wild flower. . Discussion on Bylaws No. 5, 6, 7, Hand Book. Paper-Flower culture. Hostess-Nrs. J.' A. Craig. . CASTLEFORD .-.-d--r.-. .......Mr.s._ F. F. Humphries ...........Mrs Will rest walk out. Mrs. L. C. Humphries Roll Call-Cookie recipe and one dozen to sell. Program-Mrs. George Humphries. NOVEMBER-. Convener-Canadian Industries and Agriculture--- Mrs. William Humphries. _ Motto-Life is like a garden it bears the seed we sow. Mrs. Nelson Juby. . Roll Call-An item of interest read Since last meeting. . Program-fats. L. C. Humphries. DECEMBER--, F 11 - Convener-Publicity Mrs. Reuben 'arre . Motto-Scatter glaggss, joy and mirth, all along the way of earth. Mrs. John Wilson. SEPTEMBER- Convener-citizenship-li. Alex Johnson. Mouo--jnow the past so as to make us better . builders of the future. Mrs. John Towie. . Roll Call-How to be a better citizen. Program-Irs. Alex Johnson. OCTOBER-. _ Convener-Social Welfare-Mrs. Geo. Humphries. J ULY-- AUGUST--- Convener-Social Welfare-Mrs. Geo. Humphries. Motto-A friend is One who walks in when the Roll Crsll--A way we" might be neighborly. Program-dures. Carman Cotie. Convener-tUN-Ice-Mrs. Reuben Farrell. Motto-In youth we learn, in age.we understand. Convener-Home Economics,Mrs. Canman Motto-We can never judge a cake by its 1c1ng. JWrs. A. Grigg. . . Roll Call-A health building habit. Program-Mrs. Reuben Farrell. .Mrs. William Jub . Page Twenty-One