AUGUST-health. Page Eighteen 13ECEMBER--Publieity. Horne-a/hs. Erwin McIntyre. Motto-With bounteous cheer conclude the wear like to see in our villagfe. - Talk--1noculation. _ SEPTEMBER-citizenship. Homt--iMrs. John Smith. Motto-Never leave off till tomormw what you can do today. Roll Call-A verse or nnpm fnnm an MA enhnnl book. Paper-To be a good citizen. Display and recipe for home-made pickles. Hostess-Mrs, John Smith. OCTOBER-mist-Orion Research, Home-Mrs. Lewis Emon. Mottp-r-Friendship supplies the place of every- thing to those 1vho know how to make the right use of it. . Roll Crll---A community historical event. Talk-Old fashioned costumes. Paper-Mrs. Lewis Emon. Contest-Cookies. Hostess-Mrs. L. Emon. N ovEMBERe--Social Welfare. In Hall. Motto-He lives best who serves most. Roll Call-Memories of school days. Paper and Talk-Subject, Social Welfare. An Exchange of Apron Patterns. Question Box. Hostess-Miss E. Box and Mrs. E. McIntvm- Home-Mrs. James Wallace. Motto-Give peace in our time, Oh Lord. Roll Cal1--lDos and Dents in a sick room. Paper and DWn1ssion-Hmprovements I would verse or poem from an old school . McIntyre. Paper-Subject, Publicity. _ Talk on the Motto-Mrs. G. Stoughton. Exchang,e of Christmas Gifts. Donation to Children's Shelter. Sing Song-Christmas Carols. Hostess- -Mrs. E. McIntyre. JANUAIW--Canadian Industries and Agriculture. Home-Mrs. Carson Stoughton. - . Mottc--Oit Canada, ghmious and free. Mrs. Craig. Roll Coll.---'.?).- an industry of Renfrew Conn.» Paper-Cold storage of fruits and vegetables Contest--Naming glam and grass seed. FEBRUARY--rmterrto.tianal Relations. Home-Mrs. Douglas Stoughton. Motto-The Institute creed. Roll Chl1--A Valentine verse. Story-. St Valentine. fiipellirtMa1tl, _ h 1 .. --- MARCH Miss E. Box. . . . Roll Call-Ny favorite sendmlcn fy.ling. I?aprj---Subjett. Community Activities. Quiz. -Mrs. E. McIntyre. ' Hostess-Miss E. Box. I APRIL--Canadianization. Horne-trss Mary Braden. . I Motto-May we never be hasty 1n judg always generous. Roll Call-Suggestions for next years pr Roll Call-A Christmas message. 'tark/rr-cor/id/notional Relations. PrSgrammec--Planned later. Hostess-a/Irs. D. Stoughton. Home-Miss Edna Box Motto-iaith can be a handle in the darkest night. "i;rhasty in judgment an next years programme. Page Nineteen