; 4* 40 JUNE--Canadianization. courageously and cheerfully borne--Mrs. R. J. Mc-- Convener--Mrs. James Storie. School Hall. Gregor. . | Motto--We treasure the past, we face the future. Roll Call--Each member read 30 lines from handbook -x Mrs. Emmerson Stofrie. _ Hostesses--Everybody. Guests | Roll Call--A quick d for 1 h or supper-- . o Written rgclii)e. essert tfor luncheon DP NOVEMBER--Home Economics. Report of District Annual. Mrs. Reid Carswell, Mrs. -- . | pR. J . McGrsl'gor. 1S. AC! i Conven:r--Mrs. Emmerson Storie _ Place, Mrs. Mervin .: Miller., ; JULY -- Historical Research Motto--Bet'er pay the cook than the doctor--Mrs. Art: : ~ ' Storie. f Convenor--Mrs. Garfield Miller. School Hall ol Call--Suggestions for hot casserole dish. § Motto--If tmobstones told the truth everybody would Hostesses----Mrs. R. M. McGregor, Mrs. M. Miller and wish to be buried at sea. Mrs. M Miller. Mrs. J. F. Storie. Roll Call--Quiz on hand book. Demonstration on mat making by Mrs. Jane Campbel! DECEMBER--Christmas Party. Pie--Mrs. G. Miller and Mrs. Marvina Mil~ ' i Place--Mrs. Robt. McGrgeor. Convener--Mrs. Art £ UGUST -- Citizenship. Storie. Mrs. R. M. McGregor: Motto----Be not forgetful to entertain strangers. Convener -- Mrs. Morris Storie. School Hall. Mrs. Edgar Storie . . Motto--If you have knowledge, let others light their Rol! Call--FExchange of Christmas candy with r2cipe. candle by it. Mrs Len Lindsay. (Christmas Carols. . . Roll Call--My favourite Vegetable, its culturse and in-- Hostesses--Mrs. Ed4gar Storie, Mrs. Garfield Miller. _ sect'cide. Paver on cut flowers. Mrs. Arthur Storie Pie--Mrs. Lindsay Storie, Mrs. Morris Stori~ 'ANUARY--Peace Work SEPTEMBER -- Publicity. a ' Place--Mrs. Garfield Mliler. Convener, Mrs M. Miller Convener--Mrs. Ronald Phillins, School Hal) "T~**o--Giv> peace in our time. O Lord. Mrs. J. F Storie ' Motto.----.To give Childrc?n everything is often worse than-- Roll Call--Poem or verse on Peace: piving them nothing. Mrs.: Lindsay Storie. Paber on Peace FEducation. Mrs. A. M. Ferguson. o. Roll Call--Suggestions on handling a lunch for school. Hostesses--Mrs. M Storie, Mrs. R. Lindsay, Mrs. L. Storie * Pie--Mrs. Roland Phillins, Mrs. Emmerson S*t~"i~. FEBRUARY -- Valantine Party: 1 OCTOBER--Canadian Industrics and Arricu}l'tvr~ Place--Mrs. Roland Phillins. Convener, Mrs. Garfield ( ;\ Miller, Mrs. Roland Phillips-- y , Place, Mrs. R. M. McGregor. Convener, Mrs E. Stnmi~ lo'to--Brtter to be robly remembered than nobly horn. , Motto--Burdens, though heavy, turn to great profit if Mrs. R M. McGregor. | Roll Call--My idea of luxury: ' ( | L f