Home-----)) Herman Bahm. Clonvenors, 1 Millan, Mrs. D. Dewar, Mrs. E. McLean. Roll Call-A Christmas message. Mottc--Don't mind criticism: if it is "nf, DECEMBER 19--Education (Evening). Home-Mrs. Donald Dewar. Convenors, Mrs. Craw- ford Dewar, Mrs. Mac McMillan. Roll Call-Interesting press item regarding Institute doings. Moto-ls living and giving, that makes life worth liv- ing. Mrs. George Lavallee. Report. of Area Convention. Contest, Repeating the Collect or Institute Creed. Hostseses---Mrs. R. Dewar, Mm. nnmm name" NOVEMBER 12 Convenor---Mrs. Chas. Bahm, Mrs. A. S. Dewar. Horne-O/Irs. Crawford Dewar. Roll Call-flow not to spoil a child. Motto-----" government of the home has more to do with the moulding of character than any other in- fluence. Mrs. Wilfrid O'Donne11. Discussion re "The Young Matron and the Institute." Contest-combined weight of all the children. Dona- to your resourcefulness. Mrs. Roy McMillan. Demonstration and Discussion-viking an Angel Cakc." Paper, Comirnon salt and its various uses (disctrs- sion). Hostesses, Mrs. A. Bahm, Mrs. MacMillan. Donations for Arnprior and District Hospiatl. tions for the Children's Shelter, Renfrew. Hostesses--Mrs C-. Dewar, Mrs. S. Carmichael. Motto-Whatever your lot in life, it is merely a challenge OCTOBER 8--Grandmother-Grandlchi1d Day (Child Welfare). Publicity. . Dewar, Mrs Donald Dewar. 32 onvenors, Mrs. Roy MC- it is untrue, disregard APRIL 14---Publicity and Annual Meetings Convenors--Mrs C D. Dewar, Mrs. M. McMillan. Hiome---Mrs. Charles Bahm. Roll Call-Pay your fee and give a famous quotation and author. Motto-----')? more we get together, the happier we'll be. Furs. John McMillan. J'rogranr--Rcports of Officers and convenors. Election of Officers. Hostesses, Mis C. Bahm, Mrs. Donald McMillan. MAY 12--Htrme Econ 0mics. Hostesses--Mrs W. O'Donnell, Mrs. Herman Bahm. Convenors---Mrs Ronald ~Dewar, Mrs. Robt. McMillan. Hcrne--Mrsr Mac McMillan. Hostesses, Mrs. M. McMil- lan, Mrs. J. McMillan, Jr. Roll Call-Question Box. Motto-Just stand aside and watch yourself go by. Mrs. Donald McMillan. Delegate to District Annual. President-Mrs. M. Barr lst Vice-President-P/hs A. Carswell. 2nd Vice-President-I/fro R. A. Ste-we Secretary Treasurer------); G. McNab. District Director-a/Irs. Wm. Hamilton. GLASGOW STATION OFFICERS 33 Stewart.