18 -- o 19"'_ Do y heC >ofin 0 Mrs. 8. Roll Call--A dish which can be prepared on Saturday I{}I(C)E;ecr}'fl;r}lje loved im2: first and most 15. 4 for Sunday. p ~ Har! : : . : > oll Call--Mother's name and birthplace. Cemmiltee--NMre. A,. Erunskill and Nirs, A. MCKIe',- . Comimittee--Mrs. A. Brunskill and Mrs. H. Smith. Hostesses--Mrs. A. Brunskill and Mrs. W. DesLaurier. Hostesses--Mrs. W. G. McAdam, Mrs. Neil Mcintyre. FEBRUARY -- LNE -- Home--Mrs. D. G. Forrest. Home--Mrs. F. Laron> %&lgftcot:l\?cl)tlfl;rtlisglripéan rise higher than the character of subject--Agriculture. . its people Mrs..J. D. Robertson i Motto--Gardens are not made by saying "Oh, how Roll Call--A Valent.ifie. vérse. ' beautiful," and sitting in the shade. Mrs. D. G. Forrost Committee--Mrs. G. N. Richardson, Mrs. A. Taylor. Iéglwln C'atltle_--MK/[fsaVI?ImitleI\}Irglgrftt;}')eleén 4 Mrs. C. S. Parsors H --Mrs. D. G. Forrost, Mrs. R. McD tt. mitltee----NirS, NC m 4n ostesses S orrest tS ermott Hostesses--Mrs. F. Larone and Mrs. A. Taylor. MARCH ---- | smemsemmmimm{ frommmmms Home--Mrs. Neil McIntyre. Subject--Community Activities CALABOGIE Motto--Shure an' its a bit o' green your tables must be wearin'. come the Sivintsenth. Mrs. A. Taylor. Meeting helm second Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. Roll Call--Written suggestions for next year's program. ' Committee--Mrs. J. D. Robertson, Mrs. D. G. Forrest. OFFICERS ; Hostesses--Mrs. Neil McIntyrs, Mrs. G. S. Parsons President--Mrs. L. B. Nichols. | APRIL 1st Vice--Presid>nt--Mrs. Lewis EBmon : ~---- Ind V'ce~-- Prseident--Miss Mary Braden f Secrteary--Treasurer--Mrs. E. MclIntyre. -. Home--Mrs. R. McLachlan. fetrin® Nir __ ° } Subiect--The Annual Meeting. District Director--Mrs. J. A. Craig. ' Motto--Never put off tlil tomorrow what you can do ton-- JULY -- ' day. Mrs. R. McKie. ~ Roll Call--Paying of fees. Picnic at Beach Program--Convenors raports and Election of Officers. p,m?if C%mm;fip'n_,mvg, D. Stouzshton Miss E. Box. Hostesses--Mrs. R. McLachlan and Mrs. J. D. Robortson. Mrs. J. A. Craig. | y _ * Games, rac»s, swimming,. basket lunch. ' AUGUST -- * Home--Mrs. W. G. McAdam. Subject--Mothers' Day program. Home--Mrs. John Smith. | Motto--I am sure of the many friends I boast, my Motto--Work while you work, play while you play.