16 17 BURNSTOW N Roll Call--A poem I learned at school. , Committee--Mrs. G. N. Richardson, Mrs., G. S. Parsons. Meetings Held First Thursday of Each Month Hostesses--Mrs. A. McNee and Mrs. H. Smith. OFFICERS S s Dresident--Mrs. A. Brunskill. lioun.--Mrs J. D. Robertson 1st Vic>President--Mrs. Neéil Mclntyre. Subject--Historical Research. Ind Vice--President--Mrs. Willard DesLaurier. .a0vitu--A wise nation preserves its records. Sec.<Treasurer--Mrs. Russell McLachlan. , Mrs. G. S. Parsons. District Director--Mrs. G. S. Parsons. ; Roll Call--Name the first owner of your property. x Sick Committee--Mrs. G. S. Parsons, Mrs. R. McLach-- Couimmimiitee--Mrs. A. McNezs and Mrs. N. Cameron. , lan and Mrs. H. Smith Hostesses--Mrs. J. D. Robertson, Mrs. F. Larone. JULY -- NOVEMBER -- Home--Mrs. G. N. Richardson. Home--Mrs. A. Taylor. Subject--Healtn and Social Welfare. Subject--Peace work. 1f~'+~--ITf veu are hapny and healthy, no need to be Motto--Sow peace, amdl reap its harvest bright. wealthy. Mrs. N. Cameron. Mrs. W. G. McAdam. : Roll Call--A health building habit. Roll Call--An Armistice Day verse. Committe>----Mrs. J. D. Robertson and Mrs. F. Larone Committee--Mrs. D. G. Forrest and Mrs. R. McDermoit Hostesses--Mrs. G. N. Richardson, Mrs. R. McLachlan. Hostesses--Mrs. A. Taylor and Mrs. R. McKie. AUGUST -- DECEMEBER -- Home--Mrs. N. Cameron. | | Home--Mrs. G. S. Parsons Subject--Agriculture and Canadian Industries. Subject--Christmas bal e Motto--Life is like a garden, it bears the seed we sow. Motio--As wi'th gladress men of old, did the guiding Mrs. G. N. Richardson. star behold. _ Mrs. A. Brunskil]. | Rol]l Call--My favourite garden flower . Roll Call--Exchange of Christmas gifts. .' Committee--Mrs. Neil MclIntyre and Mrs. M. DesLourier. Committee--Mrs. W. G. McAdam, Mrs. R. M.cLachlan. + Hostessse--Mrs. N. Cameron and Mrs. W. G. McAdam, Host sses--Mrs. G. S. Parsons, Mrs. A. Brunskill. SPTEMBER -- ; JANUARY ---- . McNe Home--Mrs. A. Brunskil.l. Isigggg--ngibficity ~ Subject--Home ECO.nomlfis- hold. not a stingy one -- j opl>e to cartr ; Motto--An economical household, not a SUIMN 1 Motto--Big plans and plenty of. little peopl> t M ,$ makes a successful and contented home. -- Mrs. Neil them out Mrs. W. DesLaurier. McIntyre