[ r RSDWI NEWSLETTER | mm on mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmereoremmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmreanmmanonssommmnsss ooo ooo AREA FAIRS Congratulations to our where disbanded branches store their I know -- it does seem early to be Representatives for the Wall of Fame. _ Tweedsmuir Histories. The following talking about the Fairs, but you have Lynn Clelland and Marjorie Watts is a list of where branches store their to start early, right? have prepared the RSDWI nomination _ histories. | This year there are lots of celebrations of the late Margaret Hamilion ~ a COMBERNIERE -- Madontia House | at the local fairs. Both Amnprior and well--known newspaper correspondent _ Combermere | Renfrew have their lists out and we and author from the Glasgow W1 PINE GROVE -- Amprior Musesin | nope ol Wicm the Distner are Watch for the results in local papers Archives planning to show at both. Last year on March 6, 2004. Great Work Gals! _ GOSHEN -- Alternatively With Their Renfrew only had five WIs showing Cindy Zorgel -- PAC for Subdivision 3 Members while Amnprior had eight. Remember _ -- 24Ve a detailed report on the FWIO BONNECHERE VALLEY -- Renfrew that you are not limited to which fair and ROSE programs. Of course the Archives | you show at, and if you are making rise in fees what discussed and it is HORTON SOUTH -- Margaret the WI competitions, why not look at important to realize that our Barbn'ers Home Then Renfrew , the other competitions and show your organization is not growing as it Ar chives skills there. should. Remember that our fund Sincerely | Pon't forget the Ortawa CCEA -- if raising projects should not be used to x you are interested, please contact Jean pa OUf fjees, but we can.do special Mae Craig Henderson and she will make sure that fund raising collections in meetings to Note: it is recommended that your you receive a list and will make meet fl'ese increase costs. Be Tweedsmuir Histories be kept in a arrangements for your article to get inventive and make it fun for secure place. This information is very | down to Oftawa. Thanks Jean for everyone. The llowe in d Cqunny important especially with the great \ looking after us.... magazine will have 3Alssues instead of _ interest in Genealogy and Family Tree m ngaeemongnenttias . C"CD | Conference 1 on June 11--13 | DISTRICT DIRECTORS is a great opportunity to meet other BOSE PROGBAM . ¥AQ . MEETING WI members. This is a very What is a Rose Session and how can it January 24, 2004 reasonable cost and we hope that work for you...... Much of the information in this many from this District will attend. A RQSE session is any educafional Newsletter was discussed during this Look for a Provincial fundraising sestion (yvorkshops, presentations, meeting. You will have read about event for 2005 -- Quilts, Quills and health fairs, craft shows etc.) where the Chemo Headwear, 2004 Rally in Bears. There will be a quilt block the community 1$ invited to apend: i Almonts and the 150" anniversary of competition and information will be Leadership tralpmg was proYlded in the local fairs. Plans are also & mailed out in March 2004. There is 2000/01 and will be offered in 2094. underway for the District Annual also a storybook competition -- 500 Eac_:h Branch Sh9UId hgve a Planning | hosted by Horton North on May 15. word maximum -- suitable for a grade Guide to h;lp with their plans. A 2004 at the New Horton Community 3 level reading about a teddy bear ROSE session can feature any Centre. The Theme is 'Year of Rice named Quincy and his adventures organization, guest or partner that you \ and the Roll Call is "Definition of a with a quilt. Deadline for entries is wish. Look for the names pfthe food related diseases. There will be a May 2004. partners on Fhe website or in your | craft table and WIs are asked to bring documentations. | : priced article(s) totaling $10 to be sold WHERE HAVE ALL THE There are new free ROSE Brochures 1 that day. Nominating Committee are TWEEDSMUIRS GONE available and can be ordered from: Burnstown. Calabogie and Dewars. Julie Annett. ROSE Program Manager il]]eas"e 'hexlp these ladies as they try to "At our last Repfrew South District Phone: 519--836--3078 | fill all the positions in our executive. Directors Meeting 1n_Ja}1}uux} 1 Email: juliea@fwio.on.ca | 4 g accepted the responsibility to find out ___________ P KE'V'Z'E'U Faimm Somm»y /5 460KiNne foR HEnokaiin FeomITnMe flrs7; (4Go YEns .. g Bocrs Beroge eist, R amems,CeRrirrcmres _ ar7. Phews Heles Hi3zu--irt! Ora Jieby al | [d4z--5s 337. PFABRK nNome Cacmaay i To daZ memnm--c» | HTerts. fee kEminxs ire Hems . LUdRE. ols Bie, e Pas PBis DiZChLECRLE .. Li 4 P TY oo o Preroaes