. _7 . | ' to these three hospitals. Renfrew Victoria Hospital is celebrating its 100th . Anniversary this year, like W.1. 13. _ First Aid Kits were purchased in 1948 for rural schools. Clothing showers were held for Children's Aid Societies and bank accounts were opened for new babies. A few other interesting tidbits 1 came across were: _ 1. In 1939 on June 8th, 200 delegates and visitors attended the District Annual in . Combermere. It was said to be the biggest and best District Annual so far. A ' demonstration was given by Mrs. Porter on the correct way to curtsy to the Queen. ' © 2. Kathryn Farmer of Combermere was given a corsage in 1951 for having perfect attendance at all W.1. meetings for 16 years. 3. In 1948 the membership fee was increased to 50 cents. 4. Throughout the minutes it was noted that the Lord's Prayer was repeated in _ unison at District Annual meetings. ' [ 5. A Co--Operative Health Service (which I believe would be the forerunner of Renfrew County Health Unit) was formed in 1948 with 3 organizations working together -- the W.1.'s, Farm Forums and Federation of Agriculture. Mrs. Edna Dewar is the only living District President from this era (1949--50) and she is not able to be with us today. | understand she is in the nursing home at . _ Beachburg. Mrs. Dewar also served as Area President. 600 . One District President in the late 1940's said "WE SHOULD BOAST AND . BOOST" our W.1. I think the same slogan applies today! Thank you. . 1957--1970 by Gloria Hamilton, Glasgow W.1. | The Women's Institute has been well named the rural Women's University. The . role of adult education has been carried out in Branch and District programs. All have helped to broaden the mind, the thoughts and outlook of women themselves. It is fitting we take a lingering glance at our past achievements between 1953-- 1976. There will be vivid memories for some of us, the fun--frustrations and the warm feeling of pride in work well done. Our Institutes were interested in the work of the > homemaker clubs and the achievements of the 4--H boys and girls in our communities. _ . Many members have gone to Officers Conferences held on a Provincial basis at ' Guelph and Waterloo returning home inspired and proud of their Institute association.