.. -- 4 -- The Ahglican clérgy from Renfrew, in the person of Rev. Canon Quartermaine spoke at many W.1. meetings concerning the Children's Aid Society. Most W.1. branches supported the Children's Aid Society and the Children's Shelter in Renfrew. W.1. supported the school fairs with prizes and also gave best school attendance prizes. ' In 1919 there were 10 branches at District Annual where disapproval was expressed for daylight saving, temperance was supported, and rural school fairs were praised. ho _ In 1921 South Renfrew W.1. began furnishing and upkeep of a room in Renfrew Victoria Hospital. _ In 1930 it was resolved that W.1. try to interest the Department of Education in having the French language taught as a subject in public schools. In 1935 there were 13 branches in South Renfrew. ' . . _ 1938--1956 by Noreen McGregor, Lochwinnoch W.1. The most important work done by W.1.'s in this time frame of course was helping in any way they could with the war effort. From 1939 to 1945 one of the Standing Committees was called "War Work". ' I will read some quotes from District Annual Minutes to emphasize how important ' that war work was: . . ' _ 1. There are several notations about donations to the "Spitfire Fund" from branches in Renfrew South. It seemed to me in my research that the W.1.'s actually purchased an airplane called The Spitfire as part of their way of helping win the war. If anyone here knows exactly what this Spitfire Fund operated maybe you could enlighten us at the end of my report. 2. Six other district projects were mentioned -- Layettes, afghans, sweaters and skirts, quilts, cardigans and maple sugar. In one year White Lake made 130 . quilts and 1259 knitted articles. Donations were also given to seeds and f blankets for Britain, sugar for Jams, Red Cross and Red Shield and to War Saving Certificates. ©_ _ 3. One District Annual had to be held where women could get to it by train because of the shortage of gasoline and rubber.