| 1{\€5 -- 2 L GOSHEN WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Meetings held first Thursday of each month at 2:00 p.m. President: Mrs. Lawrence Seeley, R. R. 1, Renfrew, Ont., KZV 324 Tel. 432--6305 1st Vice--President: Mrs. Jennie Purdie 2nd Vice--President: Mrs. Una McCallum Secretary--Treasurer: Mrs. Paul Yantha, R. R. 1, Renfrew, Ont., KZV 324 Tel. 432--6222 Public Relations: Mrs. Kathleen Burton District Director: Mrs. Amelia Yantha Assistant District Director: Mrs. Mary Seeley Branch Directors: Mrs. Una McCallum, Mrs. K. Burton and Mrs. J. Coppola Citizenship & World Affairs: Mrs. Edna Dewar Education & Cultural Activities: Mrs. L. Seeley Family & Consumer Affairs: Mrs. N. Purdie Agriculture & Canadian Industries: Mrs. Una McCallum Resolutions: Mrs. L. Seeley Curator: Mrs. Raymond Cook Sunshine Club: Mrs. J. Coppola, Mrs. U. McCallum and Mrs. E. Dewar Auditors: Mrs. Andrew McGregor and Miss Margaret Campbell d | :T ",{IO:":"V. XF8( »ay, MJ l e --ag@s. _ A,___' & & h af P * >A y ex" 7 &~ ~ U e " - ""' "g' *' .. d _ 3 TK * nchcnll .# im a J?j? '/ w f wa 2A o '},4 '. R * i -' K a ' h h l> hi BV ; Panee . * . d e s # $ | \ [ *.'... C D. o abran . P oo '.'w".... f"' ," ".j'.:;' "' p 'v y 4 { l y d ) s" ' g& . \:AT"';;'"' M L .' \ "|€ 7 'f%!'" . T * Snfaaie j oA i4 " P c M e --u:' -- t *.u-":'v"_.g:"n [ -_'\",'.. r':'t y l / ' | C \ | " vat '& [w** EP 1 ':'\' . "4?;% '. * :to "";:l--l';%' L* L | ~ P _'\ V e ; lais'* s i4 t es 'W A,i 0_. 4eb 1 Ol it ungt p NR = -- 2 306 e . e e i > . .A . SS L"'E"'w;";'.":' 4 "'/I" A S d 'F "r,'\;'-. '1 .fiv o'}.:?o-"i' 'd C ~: "-' E " 4'!1 $ P ) _i | oo y ol t NAAA Es c NU OS AMal _4 ah En 34 * i a~., "du 'i;--".!"'fl,"'.';d',' ( e t" l fls o_ .,: hfl ow * )* . Ne ' , b} . C e eg -{?'.u;'of.?.'.::;.'-' (olh Mss > hssn | ' o "' o _ it emag, c in~" aig ds »"',.'\-- h A > nA _' 3 ll' "l"" A. faas SA -._.,"a'v:« ve " > ie ,. ' ) ,' ® i --_; 2e 4 ; V' a ) e . s ue POV A90 . wl * se % i h i flg-.'::.{' k. C e | 3 es \-.:-"m ":6 M $ y 7 & i J . '."\-;i"' Pikés * !'D' ":':' . " o § j . ~®umzzzzoslt _;M,..jjgg__--'ng,»_-;-_ . ies Sibttiptigrerececeosicommiimtregmenseavec ies oommnrermemnperrmermmemerearve ts ievmvrr oys oo acammm mm en t * Nurrvomcmcccrs yace. cce s i Nefi UUeeirprmrerierenerine en rermemmmnreerm m mm anriniinmmnnnnenmnecren ce cayeaaercs e mc ue eeremenmatciremere araerem en mare es cearencaa s sns ces mss umm PnR en ativciccccmmn ons i a _ r 7 x wage"" /I',lx 2C ?5 dg Z2 / A4LG 4 , AABALAAAR { @A y Af £ e k azfad L4 e ~any ol C DP dn en P 4/, AZ i)) _"" 4 é/.- _l' 7 & 22A AP LIS us 2 4.,'-,.1/' ze a ./ AAe ~~ llt az Z4 --__ZZ)arey «Sewle, -- |