M .t APF ; p'\'/ VA r | A ;'b.a"' f *4% {* -- ""-'.tl ' 4z w'"x" a Y _ _FLL.,. --"#Mr,.* s h U UNELY LoR Aliraig. | F L. t.. & PME s l ... « | ' Mb > * 0P ¥. \- .';"-\,_" «3@ . pi / 3 %y! . i & P cang ,*t\_' o < '7".'\. L: ..,_}"\ ;& | h ' | 'i 'A oA f" j"" "v".'!'!' t Ne P Q"'.'. : ' s c ._.'.\1\ " ". ; \'_'". R 'l,.'"\;; £ i '7 \ Q ' | ~" 4 ;\A! . h' *#\ 4 x$ '\ : P & "'M-sfi'_ Ni. '5 rfé 'g * TB ¢ .".,' .:'."7'3':,:.".; fl{," I \' & s 4'0 " :'\"h. ""g '" s . "éq 3 '\'l & 4* j' ' * ? l'}i o';)' f"1 n * ,':', I &A 2.' ¥(a ul " $ $'. ;' < " at ""\Y',: 'r." a C O U ' %"3" N. YA * i\ Lo '55 Noi > e J > : a : y Jn y =" _f;'lqi «* k t 3, 4 "es . 5 " :'»:fl d & " i) oL 1 s,,l\,k:_.:_i\:: s ;'_----':'\ a *{:':4( y .. 2 .. hy AL . ® _ , fNOVfi Scotia (W1N ) oh. | is n T OOA SS T | .. > tes 0 x $3 i &8 --@ C i T ® . ~ The Women's Institu C _ . est MR Uy-- htr ! K _ _2 . _ cuwav Bb -- J , + SAE : 'ough the vision and inter . mm k t' Te' | Adont A Highway |\PWPS m/ > ; * MR OM was first conceived thr048 Principal of the , Ne $ - °P _ uin lal * [ ty * e " } f rinci |-- ,% *4 A5 ".';' " aitter Clea i Up_ {|fN / , "ull /; R 1: of Dr. Melville CummI$ then . '1_1') and o I 2 c O ooo cA l , e / . . . ro C '; '"""." f ;';I" Next 5 km _ /' t L7 Seolek fl fi'; ' Nova Scotia Agrlcultmal College in ruo' l0 in . 4 ' 2 , upmpsienmemmanttamtaianasai e mm 000 1 [ / ~ _ § i \\ § // : ile visit! ntarl k a f i j ?E;;i-,:fl Aucauprnhoil Wome ,\ --F i7 ; /) W o. Secretary of Agriculture. While visiting -- LA C C 9 \b}'q-'-:_ . ,w ";ifi:' '@. A /2 T . A i . , s '; 1911, he discussed the work of thc; W?meflz & »_ ' C +A es 7 s ) e ?ezvf W Dicsag] | Institute with his hostess, a farmer's wife an ' F , * ie Iprat>s [y D M\ " ardent Women's Institute member. After further Ad T f ues tA | j inquiries about the Institute, Dr. Cummzng was so \' A x 131 i i f + ® i | \ mcyo i . . | impressed that upon return, he recommended to 2 " roRe ' 4 .. the government of Nova Scotia that this organiza-- e Eo + € * K O --~--@ / j s ; 7 e Oe e e *\u' h e \ tion be established. NWw C f E 1 " sn : _R r is .. C a F <l i / $ > ) s S V e . M ; i » yPe \ 3 In 1913, Miss Jennie Fraser of New Glasgow, a A n ' M f a e eavor t CVAE CR ) T cA o M "Fvee "Ql -«' T 2s ,;.,' yene 4'. Je :u Y w Te #" ;"'x' M * o ui c frmeateadonaiinciaallpntant watioegti uce -- ao l .. e NWM itc :fixfi?'"w graduate of Macdonald College, was appointed wPaks" "* jacdt ta We alby lbd n 1. i4 po l hn * ';f., ol [Jy h o uqy l d t a. n Lk cn ... * O * * o roin 98 89 '-v*t?'l..'f"h," 8y 'u,b'.",\".:' S vato . ~J .4 ¢2 A3 ¢ '!"n' # « | .-' *Fo K. 7'5'.?'.5. t 'f,:." . '%g-:y{x"« 3:%'? 3}3'?%&}3;3,}.: fi;'" w o o eA aana s o oL . ' wfl&-""'.,::fi? é o . z.-fi@;}}fi%f%., Supermtendent Of Women's Institutes of Nova 1e es en en i uen l ie n ie c e e o t n uks to ind ht enc un io tmt Eols on dihe . en Phde aolfeah e n n . . SP u '_.','r},"_.'\"ra.'f.';,_.;; CCC fyct C "Gi,} Piady . : 4 ', rfi': t / yq t "'f i ogrrs Lob sls m onl "tf:':,'r";xfa&'{?@'é Scotia. The first Institute was organlzed in Salt -~:"~3,--1'.'$§:-i't:?4',%',-'. es oifi s io ay o hoad)s "fi'& es k nuaonine 15 on us f (infonne Pcg. . , t rined o : lv 1 M e o se ooo e e aeneg a e on se s xerae mage h oo ." . 0c co . ol rCommec it .cc ow | -- oprings on July 17, 1913. That first year, fourteen k ¥ ® { a6 wfi-.u- ?é';', ,":a{ Q,,":é",j&;-,g.lgfid; B nUR¢ *'" (opal 4%535 *:t";%" $9 't«."'?u' T4 g;'ggw': branches were organized. The rest, as it is said, is [ veg We ',,' twtrP 5 Kn 3 oA ts '.. Jf y ty id (9 4 . ) S ..., *b '; "'2!". ARPA w8 ""'i\: .b i o 4 x es {.. .'.".'0'7".' ks 4 \~~'<'7 "". # ¥53 o ' y . Nt\ s ~AHe & .\""i?"f' (Tow d ?'?m#"fl%ifig'mfifig' i <""'L+ "' k g"?n'% ant t "fi'o;% @g'i'*fi "'.* . history. J o t es 9 sA oo s' .e ooo on es sfi en o oo o e se o it ie ts s h uo ue e in o is > e . €ls Since this time WINS has grown to be a well Adopt--A--Highway Program launched, May 29, 1993 . . . Upper Musquodoboit WI was one of the first Women's _ respected organization in the province with 77 Institutes in Nova Scotia to take on the Adopt--A--Highway Program in the province. Branches who participate branches, over 1100 members and a reputation for are responsible for the roadside garbage clean up along a 5 km stretch of secondary highway in their community. "making a difference" in our communities. The provincial project was initiated by WINS, the Lion's Club, the Clean Nova Scotia Foundation and the NS Department of Transportation and Communications. tbha: MWTI Provincial Conference NLW1I District Meetings Equality Day First Day of Passover Earth Day 2 / 28 29 PRA 30 % l 4 ; i\ P M' 0O 4A¥ Cl Y4 | ACWW Day Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work . . . -- Thomas Edison ©