® L ':_.' 7'"':-.3 -:n"'\"_:_ on repeppagapet :'-~ j j wf','é-_.t;. ; ~' ; " :{F,, l ,'w"'.' M a n E i (} b( & °C g';"' Ininnatin ~ressvrevsitzce io 0 y y *n 9 ;@**"W_MWJ pi .. * P imema--. _ / i. 2009c Omel 18 |\ P "Sh;._.. P ----ge--= 0 m ~ 2 :n .. s 5. 5 e se Aoaue ueppresnsontits '?"""i':w g>--» ~ * on mtz e ap P es & CC °_0 _ _ s-- 7 oc n -:,g In 1909, while visiting in Ontario Mrs. Fin/zy | ' m _' a ont B s -- --~-- s i ce fls y KEurn' it ocg :"71.'("' . & & frnestfiegess -- N - ce n U' C ©osyp o TA a ie -- MecKenzie, from Morris, heard glowing accounts * M'i ¥e " hetcr -- e wf'f?géi";}%;a' ~ e e pa o of the work being done by the institute groups. .7 25 e e es * 0 O usletidedes ol io acaaaaiiaaniamapannnnone Abiemronesie m She returned to Morris enthusiastic about organiz-- FOL _ NA _ o oamamn 1iA ifi . c3 0; 0_ J . l . /- hP mm!;!"wfihw, n m * ing an association in Manitoba. She met Mrs. i 5 * 2 _ ~<2 "';"- k; Graham, from Brantford, Ontario who was visiting . P o. oo use 4 on * ud e ntie s mnpuace s ayp ; ue oY . sBS \N{:és =Ss1 -- in Morris. Together they organized Morris ' oi enrren en n e e n . on ottet thii vil /'T Bks. -- 0 . s se _2 l -- Women's Institute with 37 members. 77 2 C un / t h ~ -- oo sys T. 1e 42 m tad es s ~ 0 i8 C 5% '?..f ind © oolkeey 3e ho esn s Eo Forea$ . L;w _/ «'7};':' TL e C e ul ic e is ) .. +2 f,',f{ o m gen mc The Morris Women's Institute sent a resolution to dn ul ue + é * J ge* a5* _ _t:-".;a'"!_'?; -«: * y * 4 f m Jo 7A 3 e 'j , * :."'\", v;._-".)_ '-.f:'-*%--'fi'.'?': "fiz"i"'-'.:-'.' ;": .'4'#'-. -- Sn ";_'% h . . . o gHe _ 4* * f'_--,&.fl-,_;f-ez;:-- N2 n * ~< Mess fe ies e eate stt = Premmier Roblin asking for the government's cooper-- y * + s se in ie o it t on c © . ~_ . ~ e t e S e e c basy -- - "';"};r'f'f»;;;..f--fffbf-*'«' 1 -- o e s ies a tA ARREE -- ation in the work they were planning. He replied E sit» 3"'1';'3'3*"',%:,4'% _;{;é;'?,}:\ép&!{ ';,!31 y fare h i on oo seal oaAt t on S ande e + > « ; ' Te s w.;fi,'s'fi'?" f*?fl ies aa o weae| . saying that the Women's Institute movement had ' *'fifg,%fi;' ies '?" 2e o t ameme i usls s -- | -- been under consideration for some time and that ' i e o 3 o ho ie A ME d Caie CR C j2e n n 0 00 . EP RQ f > j %_a;:;;r; es y ns ho e &'}'#g nc the Department of Agriculture was arranging to ;"'i,,fi e e t e' > _ _ send two lecturers from the province's Agricultural }', y > . o College to speak to women. Their first stop was ' L ~enintt =~ "_ _ _ O Morris. Seventeen associations were formed in _ _ | 1910 and were called Home Economics Societies ; e . eusto i. -- until they were renamed Women's Institutes in ' ' * j j 1919. ' The Manitoba Women's Institute fountain in the sunken garden area was officially dedicated on July 23, 1995. , T he fountain basin matches the fountain on the south side of that area that was donated by the North Dakota MWI Provincial Conference is held annually in Extension Homemakers Council in 1986. Donations were received from the Institute members and friends April; Regional Conventions are held during ' throughout Canada. Winnipeg--Interlake Region Women's Institute spearheaded the project. March and Regional Seminars in October. 3 Conommmant @remenmnett / <omngentd Cmy C Restigouche County District Convention, NBWI Saskatchewan Women's Chignecto District Institute Convention at Convention, NBWI Watrous (7--8) 15 :# 16 1 7 18 19 200 271 '\_\7 TY Ty--s poeear lghem .. Indebted to the Past Committed to the Future Hoper Slousseter 100th Anniversary Celebration of W.I. Father's Day District Convention, NBWI ConVentlon in Hafnj.lton, Ontario (17"'22) St. Jean Baptiste Day (Que.) tha: Alberta Women's Institute | Convention (€4 3» 6C 33 Teamwork means more "we" and less "me. -- 0