The History of KARS BRANCH,WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE,. CaRLETON s.DISTRICT. wte trar th t ob t ob e t e ue tdb tb 96b ce on uo oo 46 ob ue uo ob uh e He ve #e te tb tb ts ue tb ue ue t ve ue e e vo We #6 e ve e db e o e th e tb tt tb ie t o4 26 26 rageâ€" 5. The Kars branch,of Ontario Women‘s Institute was orgenized by,lirs. W.A. Magee,on Janu&ary 6th, 191 2. . The officers elected were,â€" rresident, lirs. W.E.Stratton. Viceâ€" Fresident, NMrs. J.5,Grahanm . secretaryâ€" treasurer, Mrs.W.A.Magee. se e ob oo db tb to tb db 9t db 9+ 3 36 36 44 36 36 35 35# tb 44 36 4+ Outstanding events,â€" During World War 1, Kars Women‘s Institute members built up &an impressive record of led Cross work.They,also, made caps, mitts and quilts for a&a ward in & military hospital, in England. (2) In 1915, they were responsible for the first street lights,in Kars. (#) In 1927, the members purchased & hall and equippéd it with chairs, dishes and tables,for the community‘s use. (4) The 25th Anniversery of the branch‘s organization was celebrated with a banquet.For the 40th anniverse@ry, the members invited Miss ' Maud Ferguson,C.B.C cormentator,as the guest speaker.On the occasion | of the 50th A&nniversary,1962, Mrs.James Haggerty,F .W.I.C,Fresident, was the guest speaker. i (5)iIn 1964, Kars Tweedsmuir History was entered in the National Compâ€" etition and won first prize. (6) 1967 projects included erecting"Welcome to Kars" signs at either end of the village;two picnic tables were given to the R.A.field ; name signs were erected for the streeté of Kars.Aflower bed is planted,each year, with"KARS" in flowers. September 8,1977. immpanmane Kars branch Woemen‘‘s Institute celebrated their 65th Anriversary, with a fine dinner at the lecal hall.Mrs.B.Neblitt, Ottawa, and nmany, former / € â€" members were guests., The banrner was the woerk of i‘ V °. & Miss Isabel Drew. . 1 wR 2 s Nt h Picture,frem left to right,front reow,â€" * o KARS Mrse.Jehn Craig;Mrs.Herbert Wilson;}Mrs. Randelph g Diller;!irs. Denald Murdeck.}2¢Xk reow,â€"lirs.C,S5trike; Mrs.Clarence Mussell;Mrs, Brian McCleary;Mrs.Larry i9112 to 1977 j] Renten and F!irs, Hugh Lindsay. h Picture centributed by,Mra,.H.Wilson. Recorded,1972,byâ€" Mrs.Ernest Somerville,Spencerville.