Page 2. RAMSAYVILLE Branch, Women‘s Institute History. E.CARLETON, %o 46 4o 16 36 3b 36 46 36 3b db 30 36 3i 36 $6 B6 36 46 36 46 30 20 3b 46 30 30 30 30 3b Bb tb 36 3b 3 4+ 3b 36 34 # Vistrict. r ‘ o tb m ue ue 36 4o t o# ‘Ei;i & . I -)‘\';; B ‘ ~~ â€" woes S 4. 4s â€"â€"aAa a t 'g/ fat ’/.‘ a# ï¬ï¬f‘%’@?‘t' s d\ % a} > t e c i. â€"aff ids â€" nA . _« ) EM y PA $ _ > € s w : = Ae" s . smm Haa sA toent} . 1 a ' November, 1959. W.I. Members. %o ue db io do io db 46 Ob 3b 3i dn tb di tb tb 36 36 Bb 3 36 Women‘s Institute members sponsored card parties,dancesgpicnics,corn roasts and sleigh rides.Different speakers on program subjects helped,also competitions were interesting and the cémmunity appreciated the activity. Clothing was collected for the Neighbourhood Services,food baskets were given to the needy at Christmas. ‘ New babies and shutâ€"ins received gifts.Debates and spelling matches: were popular. For many years,when travelling to and from meetings,with horses,in the winter, husbands brought their ladies to the meetings.They visited or played cards while the iInstitute: meetings were in progress.In the 1930 to 1950 era,the Institute members enjoyed the fellowship and the meetings were a needed outlet.Educational programs were of great: benefit to the whole community. hecorded April 30,1976,byâ€"lMrs. E,Somerville.