The HISTORY of Metcalfe Branch, WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE. CARLETON EAST, Yere to to t to tb tb 36 i ce 3b 4b tb tb 3i 3b 3i 46 30 #6 30 B 30 3i t d t 4b 46 36 36 4+ dn 30 26 40 3b 46 3b 96 46 36 34 t 46 36# DISTRICT. We tb tb e ve to tide o to 26# k METCALFE TOWNSHILFZ HAaALL was the place where the first INSsTITUTE meeting was held,February,1928.Fifteen Metcalfe ladies were presentiLklected | to the offilce of PRESIDENT: was Mrs. ROY McANDREW and the SECRETaRY#RREASsURKLR . was Miss GLADYS ROWAN. At the annual branch meeting,in April 1928,irs, ROSS STANLEY was elected President and NMrs. ROY McANDREW became the secretaryâ€" Freesurens During the 1940‘s,branch members done a great deal of Red Cross work. FPublic Speaking contests and Music Festivals were sponsored for many years. We instigated the wheels that put into motion the construction of a passing lane at the Metcalfe turnoff on the local highway,with safety in mind for the local motoring public.Centennial year,we presented portraits and in many ways bettered the community.We have contributed to the new Health Centre,here.Ahospital Aauxiliary Unit was formed at Metcalfe and Institute members volunteered to help Winchester Hospital.Members made an exchange visit with Institute members in Manitoba. One year, we entertained Institute members from Newfoundland. , wï¬â€™%;az?g%’ E » {)§. {%gsé%;%_ib * ;? W%; ‘f;;%s z:f““;,r“ 5/ e ‘*;“;sz \ «d a:. 3. PJCE Ein ht ta o Â¥ ’ M Phe.y {V "’Q â€Ã© e | Mrs.Charlss Wallacse. i B XRENA® 4 n 3 ‘ Uttawa arsa,oscrstaryâ€" \ Irsasursr, 1967â€" 1971. | Submitted by,â€" lirs. Jean C,heaney,Metcalfe Recorded October 24,1975, byâ€"lirs.Lrnest somerville.