,. " â€Y 'i?sF:?,7,itri?i7i'iii"s P Ce' .2 T rth ".'ii.rf'v-rl,'7,ii?W8A r:ii.:::i.?sPi'ii'i;i-.'.i' '3.»:~2‘-a,:5r‘ ‘ , , ' ries of Wentwor. 1 . il'Ciii"f'ili'c'urlii.:r'if". V 2~ , _,'" id nts and 'ct,cartgiliecsiat were speCla 1:14.»: I; (272;; _-":' .3311 /iiy.,'r:ir _ L and? e . . ' ' "r, ,2 2 ‘ . I, icJi. .li?i,iCiri y"k'pr.,Pdi', P '“'i-Z’it'"Iiz'liii'éj'fét‘ cri. 31 The Presi ith Municipal 0 L, $1 ENE 2;-§~.q-.~.~.72:~.:2-;g:1; " 4.2.5:, Mfwz-.-..~:.2.;.g 4.2.2 Jr County along WI ingling in the . MI - 22 Lâ€"{ég UM ig' Mel, 1 q ' #l p'iifiii:r,'iir,iif,ii', ':dlsrtt',1'h. “#3121 f BilMllll . " ?" nests. ure was to see m H. C. Freal, . tl 9“?"W’: *iiér-Wï¬'i [ELEV "il. , , liiiiiil g An added tnes . ' Lee and Mrs. ' . 'il','t3titgtiii] , 1 "' - a d IlBaitl, 1" . gang . Marjorie Lee. . 2 .- Ettilt5), 'l%ilfmiii t - ' " ' rowd, Miss l nd and Janet how the various . â€9-1;:2- C 'ie'-rras.'r,q , - , Slaughters of Er aset aside mainly to Swe had spent the ' " "k":-,'))"'??-:';'].))':) , it'.l.s."tc'sl)',,(icTva,,,, ' 3;: This day was fWentworth how ess made since 'Ill , itiiiiiiiitiiiiiiii , ' 2 I ' "Sgiil ilmembers 0 . the progr d f ture M , ' ialiilgg T I) , . . " - a Ill, 1Wi Counci nerously given, d the propose U " ,- 2 , " , " , " B51 - Eitqi ' - I ' " - - - $ltlMlillgll, Bti grants so ge of the property, an 2 'tiiilililil IE llllllMlilillllll IlllllliE Ni use of the Driv Southall, Wentwo nization would . 2 - , I II , $1.111» Ei if Mr. John M. ho e that our Orga Erland Lee 2 2 " - ' I, 'iiiEE1 Ii.,t,i,ll,i,tlitiililliiiillillliii,' $igli ressed the p . terest 1n the . ur ‘ . I 'itllNlt t iiiiiIIllrMilll,lllillji, ©alglgllllE EBI. den, exp . h the keen 1n o fess during 0 > q " - - 1igllR-l.E?l?i'is's,5,rgit. R. b IIE continue Wit pleased with our grngpresented Mrs. ‘ ' 'MlilMIllll1Blillllil sideboard ownede y [ttig and was . The War e e for - - - 1800 - . . the Hom . r ome, rshi . . a chequ ' . en - iture In ligil :5: year 020$; cphairmam .w‘thexpenses at the 1i,oJt'.etrh'f,itge,1 piece of furn '.'C7sJrk talt . S 0 , . rating 's .1-42414-n‘24=’73l"i?~‘3‘2"-x>""-'22 " Austin . tinuing ope Lee ' 'r;" V‘m'mik": 1,51: r con 1 ,.,._;.:;::~';;<:‘:2'.’.;_~.‘{;\.egggzï¬Ã©géagï¬â€˜ymg:ï¬j‘fl‘t? .. . ““3 " $1,000.00 fo Norman Curry, 171w~-§a~£~w¥§z§m 2 e Creek, Mr. and has _ " ici,',?:.";!-:',:"-;?.': kwn"$§w~?§“é‘€’% 'tlil Horn . or of Stoney f the Home, I??? . $124. Eiiaizï¬ï¬i‘ï¬'i‘ï¬" ii?s"'i'si'i'ii' $13.31? 'itfait :')e..Lr.rr: Ja8ll, The May 1, porter 0 y'.E 2 r'ii,ji,iiiiic'ii,it'lgilga, &$?2“«« a n a staunch s p :2. 24252512 “a" Ei'difttf. ttr-tes',?,',.'),:',?,?, - "h"'".:: till, has bee :i'tlli' _,'i':iiili!sl:ii:)?allllllll t'ifti'iifiltiiisiiililtl., 'iiii'iii',i, "Ill' _),.,!,,!,,,,,! wwwww a Jlr.iicra"' - iiiittliliillll ' Biitatllt Fil' - 'il'iiiii.i ' 'f, _ 'iii:?5'filiri'er51'irirr5?'f :r.T.ri.: 2-"7'3-:“‘."-. l." i 2 5'»: f . _. 'tBNI - q - mm' ‘ ..- .. . ' _ I' V _ _'rtjr,r7/ire-rir,::istiii,i: 5.73."£1552"??? ':‘:‘_‘..1-‘1 ) 'r. 'j,. ', 2 V _ f " 1‘13?" ' - " " ' Fa“? 2%};‘3‘13'934‘? /,'jY,'t"r'cit 'em. r - _ _ . ', _ 3 RN m“ IlNilBB, IllMI _ r.L% " ‘~‘, "h' ~12 " tRa F, W214: - ' . _ 2 . " 2.3g.“ . 2 2 - M, ‘5: .2::§2?">‘4"§§ '. 2. xtiii_is?t'a:,ir)Cs?:s% "i,:)1li'/r'iririi'i'f,"irri'ir, 2 . 'i'é2't?F',fgr,: E?Q,ii? itrt,1: .2 L2 LLï¬iii’é‘zlm... " 14.1. - "fc',i:"i'i'ir'il"(s",: . - "r Pf, l?) TMi' _d'iiiigis'd Me, ' "." l l a???“ .1111“ _ i'." 21.2.2: ' 'lllifiEiii Eiiig!liih' u - " ,." 2' 2 . #2111313“ "f','ijiii'j'ills.! 2*???1gw ""’ , t ' " ‘5' 3 1iiltt'i"il 'iiEllli Y? F,i.tf,refl qiig' a: s' 2 _' " $‘,«42%Mw9*22 " " Ii _ d Sb", Aggy 41' .cr/'r1),t'a. , T J Iro, ' ci.' ",',"-s'; la lim 'i'jiird iéligéféfgtï¬gféé' I ' . $ll 3“ J Iiirirt) Fy ii/ts/iriver',"' _:":):'--,',-. 'rrl'ir, _ b't 'iit1iiiiftiiiiiiiiii' " , Illilllrl ist) - " 'h'r,c,rcr::-'"i'rrr', .",' 332' ' ‘ 're . . if Bil Ill I Eii "it'ic,' v,r,:"ritr'_rl,s-rrsii_ . I . " 1MiimiiNtIlqIt > if 'r' 'git " ,ir, 'rtiri/i."y,itr'rji,: .,' , " 3:91., - 2 __ . . _ . gifts Mt " .2 _ 2 = T/ii" 'i,-r,"'1,iit,-rt--,irtr,rr " , =zq2= " 22 kitchen M alllR5rl, l "f-Mic-ll,! ',lrrr:1/'1 'l/ri;,:,:,'; "e displayed in the Lee tll 155,413,; f'le."eh".,%rAh" . 'C,' 'L1r'/c_sc,'ft,r"'i'i' t All ar.ticle? Is or branches. 4 w, It' 23,." individua M aa Mt "1', from 'le "iilillilllllfi'i'2t ' iii' ' ' Mi, llltIltt atlll=-gti _ ' . ’ dining room table . has Z ' q (tiEllllggit 1.1.: 1llllIllitlltttt 'M, t know the . . al Constitution 'li Iillilillilili!clrglllllllll I Eill "lt is good o opy of the onqu Presentatives of- W Blimir, ai' ' MI ' cr 3%: d a C nc1 re to I Illlliiliiiilit'l'ta " - . . AT)tT . - t the Home and " The three C0311 resent were able Bl iillllliiilliiiiiillllll,llllllllllllllllll.,l. ".+ “‘ been preserve . ibbon, then a p 'tig Mii8llllltllllil 11ehe, IltllllMlllllt1llt - . ig . ll cut the r me. [a , ililrlllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ficia y h the Ho rth IM illlllm llilllllliIllllllllllllllllllll - - i%' , _r b Owse throng . dent Wentwo ilN ixéf‘éwï¬<-521.22.2.',L..;.,..;.;zn2~2-. r adie, Presi , d members Bl "lilililllilililSl,!l,llll!lllll!llllll, limit Thos. McCre roup, an ' t- ie. ug; _ Mrs. . . t welcomed the g hand acted as hos Ilit a??? , Itll-lil" " -0’ IKiihr'i r' South Dlsmch'e Home served lunc 'ti Iglliillillllg '5.thFai, P, - . . . " w -Mr, t ig Ililltlr.i?Cfllf., . . "gllit, - - . - from nearby tario l8l 221235? ' ' I cutting ribboraen esseS. on behalf of the outings lg t'. Cf'. icia S . War t nett, ht ree . 'lil at County Off t Township, Nor- Gyolon. Ben d Food, br?ug, g O his lat orth n Saltf ee t Mayor Mr. culture an . . vited back t I? tfi',l,t1ftl'r'dl1' t't"ae5let?, Coun Y. Ministry of Ag}? thanks for balnglllnnot only at the Mg. e ha d IS . we . El Heev Sout ' k. ' x resse ed us . s. t_tl Johns/gird, Stoney Cree “it; Peoumy and WSW“ Institute project © n r na l . Ur ' 't ma tworth COUUP)’ ove Home but In all o . len McKerCher an.d 'l bers of Wen . historic pres- s Miss He he Pres" w, . he mem . est 1n 1 . member, , . ed and t La itht . "M Inter . lovely mlttee . ntroduc . ad- Fi worked W M Curry said y . e to know this Com G Miller were ll fthe strength In le . r. . m . . O ae: s. leases Wm. s o e . . 92 gil e ear . nd n p . Mrs. oblitt, P. . m 17 . ig th axiom IS kfe.n a reserved." wnship, praised dent, Mrs. H. L. t Lees Since amvmg B. erv t is being p Saltiieet T? nough to hi iven by t e p, roper y don Dean, . farsighted e ers T g M! p Gor . being a Reeve for ade. ar , Institutes . r was m Bl Women s where histo y q the . the property 'so, ulre " acq ii / t? , 6 ll