UCW ce ing‘ * XTOTQ COUNCil names draws well { | d f * +2 "" _ : to land committee at Lakeside . ‘ ‘ \ Free Press Woodstock Bureau have voted against seasons, said county road engineer _ _ By S.â€"R. Correspondent . WOODSTOCK â€" Seven per. While Wentworth County has Donald Pratt and representaâ€" â€" _ LAKESIDE â€" The : October sons were named to a new Oxâ€" asked for recommendations tives of the Canadian transâ€" _ meeting of the UCW was held ford land division committee [TOm the townships and Perth port commission have been mothe Ugï¬tgdg%k;gr;% redcgle;zgon Tuesday by Oxford County .coutn%' is2t50 consider the subâ€"« asked to make a joint inspecâ€" _ room wi ’ & council. " . ject May 25. tion of CNR and CPR crossâ€" _ the aftem°°’; }‘.Otgafss foa County Clerkâ€"Treasurer G.___ He said Grey County has apâ€" inss on County Road 5, Blandâ€" Mrs. George Holden. The presi 2 ) bred seneonaitth fora® and" Bign] tong dent, Mrs. M. Vannatter, preâ€" R. Staples said the committee PFOved seasons for 1971, 1973 ford and bienheim fownship sided: The minutes, corresponâ€" _ Will consider requests for diviâ€" and 1975 and Huron County a line following a petititon for a dence and bazaar and tea inviâ€" sion of parcels of land in the threeâ€"day season each year request for improved protecâ€" tations were read by secretary, _ seven _ Oxford_ communities OM 1971 to 1975. tion at the sites. Mrs. Burns Kittmer. without committee of adjustâ€" Harry Gingrich, Hespeler, Council approved a road Mrs. Gordon Gregory â€"took ments. He said the permission _ fish and wildlife deputy, lands committee _ recommendation the (}evotional period with bible for the division of land in the and forests, said a special sea+ â€" that the county not object to a reading and a short narration| _ seven communities has been son could possibly be set up proposal by Sunâ€" Canadian on scripture followed by a hymn_l considered by the community for the county with different â€" Pipeline Company to construct anl‘t/ilrpraï¬g. o n planning branch. licences. a 12 inch pipeline in the same 8. ya hittmer gave aI Named to the committee Reeve Hofstetter, chairman _ right of way as the company‘s paper on Trinidad which [Wa$s| _ were Murray Older, East Nis ; to: present 8 inch line, across very interesting. The Toll call by | l Town}s,hip‘ell’VIa ?s 2 ;Zâ€" of the county road committee, %“la?ten7crramc;31'cu]1](]1(t?6rddc1'?;(51 ?;c:ai'eg u;l;rs ri{;g;:ger.aw%an?:_‘ M g eiell]) n '(I)‘ r;,‘ iEsnzt:)r(:k H.?:\Nr?]l(;(i & Blenheim Townships. giving verse. > 7 ‘k; James war fit}: ‘klow, ‘ Instrumentais were given by| â€" Shearer, Blandford Township; ReZ\:éd(e)]f] 1:'1‘?11332;\ Eetlitlmr?l\fu Mrs. Roy Fader and Mrs. Grant â€" Robert Lee, South Norwich nicipalities â€" o f _ Tillsonburg Gregory. Mrs, Roy McCorquo.| Township; Albert Cornwell, N o r w ic h, _ South _ Norwich dale and Mrs, F. G. Risdon| ~North Norwich Township and ;I‘ownship -u;(l ‘\‘orth f‘\‘o"wivh gave reports on Stewardship, Kenneth Marshall, Norwich. Township llrn\"cAbecn C 'kl d to Workshop meeting held in Approval was given for the ']It . ced .Id?, m Woodstock,. f ‘| â€" payment of land division comâ€" lefpon( U . 1(.â€-19““ C.’OV-Sl ind Courtesy remarks were given| â€" mittee members on the basis iCs .qugsu'onnafle_ of' eafas by Mrs. Findlay Kittmer. The | 6830 ger fol day altenamce foll\-llflldnmfl_ul'1(Ԥ:10n¢11 study meeting elosed with hymn and| â€" and $20 per half day attend: ns 1 corynmtcc. similar to one preâ€" |prayer by Mrs. Roy McCorquoâ€" ante pins mugieo s 1. cons pared by Oxford area study |dale. yoskl i 3 f B committee. hd: for each mile travelled to and ew towns ll‘ o from the hearing. | Mr. Staples said a quorum d d Scot ti t o g/ill be at least three memâ€" crest a, Opte Sh n e{‘f{e acti 5 s a a a | ction « was taken by E. N ‘ | p council after the explanation | m lssoun | for Adult Club of permissive legislation to By S.~R. Correspondent have the land division comâ€" 5. By S.â€"R. Correspondent mittee was given by Peter méIeIgi\Il;I‘g()l:fE th: ï¬gsta N?;’::;f.} LA_KESIDE â€" The Octobe Weston, senior planner, subdiâ€" Council the ‘council officially mecting of the Adult Club wa vision section of the communiâ€" adopted â€" thei townshi held in the Sunday School roor ty planning branch, departâ€" opt Pre ts 5 of the Lakeside United Churcl ment of municipal affairs â€" at CI’%. rest includes a anqqhzv asdéf,rtg-dy Iattend_ed. council‘s November session. t]n-eee parct shiseld with sections conducted ob;onaMr pe;::()id I\‘f’al Mr. Weston said the comâ€" for the pioneer, farming and| Roy Fader. The highlight of trhs mittee would allow decisions conservation. | evening was a frip throu ï¬ to be made on a local level The pioneers are represented Scotland shown in pictures {;’y and ease the:â€" work load of the by a plow, farming by a sheaf Donald McCorquodale, who re. Jehartment of municipal afâ€" of grain and conservation by a cently visited there. i)On-ald *J fairs. Most counties, he said, Canada goose in flight. sited the vicinity in Scotland WOW4 have about 200 divisions The township name appears where his McCorquodale ances. Of land in a year. : across the top of the shield with| tors came from when they came| . Consideration of h old in g a spray of five maple leaves on to Ontario. deer seasons over the next either side at the bottom. B . Finlay Kittmer conducted the five years, proposed by repreâ€" The . crest w“’i"h h‘;fe a £2 business meeting. The Novemâ€" sentative of the department °* alximt_mted fon aâ€"piadHo § fa o i bs> meeting is to be in charge lands and forests, was deâ€" silue jof io names iC ormhg. of the executive, ferred to council‘s agriculture reeves, deputy reeves, fownship Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ball,; Mrs, committee, for a recommenâ€" porks d n ue o cadk Alex Whittaker and Mrs. Finlay dation at the June 16 meeting !smce the township was incorâ€" ï¬ï¬gï¬let were in charge of the! Reeve John Hofstetter, Blenâ€" ,p"{-_i?dm‘f,‘qisem;,m hand in‘ the _ Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCorâ€" ‘ilelm Township, told lands and _ |Kast Nissouri council chamber quodale and Burns spent forests officials more than Oxâ€" as a memorial to those who month in London, Englarfd alsi ford county approval would be served the township. visiting with Mrs. Lorne Groves, | required. Three or more counâ€" A number of smaller erests 7 Mr. Goves and family, *‘ ties in one area would have to have been ordered which will be o t give permission before a deer available for presentation purâ€" . A § s season is permitted. poses. /(/: Ã©ï¬ 1976 Jack Armstrong, Hespeler, cHlpnabianneinintin mipipagie i > Cecmiinmiic is o 7/ district biologist, Lake Huron ‘ district of lands and forests, said.W a t e rl o 0, Wellington, Halton and Brant counties .