A.C.W. Christmas Meeting The Lakeside A.C.W. Christ- mas meeting was Thursday afternoon in the parish hall. Following the call to worship read by Mrs. J. R. Warner the convenor, Mrs. John Baker led in a Candle Lighting Service of Mrs. George Towle's St. Marys. The five speakers were Mrs. Noel Peters, Mrs. Robt. Harris, Mrs. Grace Seaton, Mrs. Kincaid and Miss Marion Baker. The five gift words were joy, love, peace, light and hope. The lighting of each candle was followed by carol singing by all. Mrs. John Baker read the closing prayer after lighting the fifth candle. The business meeting was in charge of the president Mrs. Robert Harris and of the secretary Mrs. Jenny Chand- ler. Mrs. James Baker gave the scripture reading which was followed by a Christmas carol. Plans were discussed and motions carried concerning conveniences in the kitchen. The financial statement was read by Mrs. Don King. The afternoon hostesses, Mrs. Gordon Smith and Mrs. Don King presided at a festive tea table in candle light. The sale of miscellaneous articles was in charge of Mrs. Wm. Langdon. The exchange of gills was in charge of jovial Santa. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Jas. Baker. . Mr. and Mrs. John Baker were honoured recently by the family on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hobbs, Brian and Paul of Chomedey, Que. were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hobbs. The Lakeside United Church Sunday School pupils and the Anglican Church Sunday School pupils presented a Christmas entertainment programme in the United Church. Friday evening. The Lakeside Women's Insti- tute held their Christmas meet- ing in the United Church on Wednesday December 5, with The St. Marys Journal-Argus, Wed., Dec. Lakeside W. l. Sixty-five people sat down to a delicious pot luck dinner which had the appearance of a banquet. The tables were gaily decorated with Christmas dec- orations, candles, fresh fruit; candy and nuts. The tables draped with red table cloths which were loaned by Mr. Frank McLeod gave the scene a festive touch. A business meeting was then held by the members when reports were given and 4H work was discussed. senior citizens and former members as their guests. The president, Mrs. James Kittmer and Rev. Dr. Semple welcomed the guests and wish- ed everyone a happy time. A short programme included the singing of Christmas carols led by Mrs. Willis Ball. A piano solo by Mrs. Grace Seaton, readings by Mrs. Nettie Cole, the story of the carol, o Little Town of Bethlehem and Christ- mas and the Christ Child was given by Mrs. Bryant Suther- land. A humorous reading giv- en by Mrs. Glenn Monteith was very much enjoyed. On behalf of the guests Mr. Jared Vining thanked the com- mittee and members for a lovely time. Mrs. Don King, delegate to the London Area Convention gave a very good report, also Mrs. James Kiltmep's report from the County Conference in Woodstock was extremely in- teresiing. Mrs. George Gates was one of the guests. Mrs. Gates was president of the Lakeside Branch 1931-1933, secretary 1942-1946 and also a former president of North Oxford Dis- trict Women's Institute. Mrs. Glenn Monteith, conven- or of the December meeting and her committee are to be' congratulated on their success. The January meeting will be a ouclwe with guests invited. 12. 1973 3 A former bookkeeper at the Kidd Enterprise, Thomas King who owned a grocery store nearby, purchased 50 pounds of currants, for which he paid eight cents a pound. Other food sales included 100 pounds of sugar, $9; 10 pounds tea, $5.55; 100 pounds nub uuu.....,.,..,,-.._ -l, - v Entries for the day before the Christmas feast roc- orcled that 80 persons charged almost $150 worth of merchandise. One shopper, who apparently chose to be "all decked out" for the Christmas season, bought himself a pair of shoes priced at $2, two silk hand- kerchiefs, $1.50, a pair of gloves, $1, a hat, $1.25, a set of furs, $4.75, cloth and making of a suit $18, 20 cents worth of tobacco, and a $4 gallon of Scotch tod- dy. One month earlier, he took home a set of mink furs worth $25. population was 750, and its rural area could deal a the Joseph Kidd General Store for its Christmas fowl, a jug of liquor-or even a supply of Extract of Wild Strawberry. Those were the day when turkey sold" for eight pants a pound. goose at seven, four pounds of raisins cents a pounu, guuac an ocvcu, WW. M""""'"" -eee for 50 cents, a gallon of old rye, $1.80, a set of mink furs, $25, and a stone chamber set, $2. The Christmas shopper of that year would not ex- perience.the crowds-not' the tired achy feet, for un- der one roof almost everything required could be supplied. The Kidd enterprise actually had on the ground level three stores which carried groceries, boots, and shoes, tailored and ready-to-wear clothes, millinery, dry goods, furniture, jewelry, liquor and crockery. The same building had a branch of the Do- minion Telegraph Co., a post office and an undertak- ing business,.all operated by the same family. - . - .. m -,i_--,. ran"; ..,.,._ // By MURIEL TROTT DUBLIN - A glimpse of an accounts book of a Dublip merchant for Saturday, Dec. 24, 1881, gives a fair picture of Christmas shopping in the latter part of the 19th century in a rural area of Western Ontar- io. - - . w- - ..:nn.m it: An entry in the accounts book Kidd's general store. His purchases were a relatively sharp contrast to those made by his fellow shoppers-that is those who also required credit. A mink muff cost one father $3.50. He also purchased five yards of flannel, $2, five yards lining, 50 cents, twist, 5 cents, 10 yards cashmere, $10. An entry immediately following the above, recorded the daughter buying two broaches for $2.25. Turkey 8 cents Ib.; but that was 1881 Households in the Perth County police village, - . .. , ---_ Mum Anal 'r/bla 'i,"isL', A} ',jCic,e.,i)c,,,ii, , _'ii'iivirilr i"k:/i:,(',i,iiy,"'_ir:-)j, , "i-ij-H , 'jf . "tii/lit'),)))':),',,):;,), ar'.rircud diw at for its Christmas ‘lf// of Joseph " E Af; its