&:f@ww; e e _ > = snz | * s ink mrsg s s$s o eA .. * o rstsse s t 0 y o o0 3. z $2‘.~ . Om e ie CC S 49 ; AÂ¥HS l 6. ut hy y § s o uitc ts us wl en 3 â€" s . c .. â€"~ . esn 3 $ .3 w1 C o O 5 â€"Ciy c _ e l . k2 2y s 3y 8 3 § nssyc s O$ 3 * - sys n wl SÂ¥2 3 5 C â€" e t es en «&:@%ï¬ o o es se > Ao S > s3 y uy _ ot 8. t n 2t ~~â€". .. w pes ho o * Cl > m m C L 9 s tss s ~*~â€" e 2 ow ectsine #a :‘?‘: â€"ms o te e . C oo 4. Pm o. e A mtey oofics m y f 2 17 â€" y s t tss e Ju~.~ â€" es s Panaca." 2 8 & 3 yÂ¥ y 2 _ iÂ¥ ce se i oene x se h y s sa geâ€"pg ~ "â€"£ & oc 2 n n sascs 0 lsue T.93 +/ SA t e 5 m ces â€v\\{'w" t ie se o} e t o es â€" E & 0 M > ie t l o e d in t . y 3 a Z’ S â€"_â€" _ O insy tm o. . o tes . . â€" | ty o 7 3 $ = n m ~ 5 9 i&\" Af @re 3,35&â€*'“ t uS +o are Ae on * o is 1. w o h l m _ a_. b 4# S 3 J s § 2 00. _ 5o. Pbais ymm, milt ul mast Cl Cf in 2 0 ..A t s â€". 8 $ C i i o e n Sss m wl * munll un ter _ e Kinte 2 iâ€" G G | w ie mak «ol t otemel S 0 Un 8 § .2 3 & »-'"‘_"'-'hv@":â€"" ‘Mm . hm ie * CR on t Say"" . 2 . d $ »“‘ 3 sia T . * â€". o . §3 83 4 * s E a ME,?& . mt . :) § & * . $ m= = o # $ B §"*/L ; 0 a° ags _ s o AM se haaeâ€" . o .. B2 oog E oz tb B . + d9ese ha» Peâ€"~ . ~al t o es Cc * 13 s 2 3 2 ; se ie â€" @ n oY _ Q ; s 4 yo 8 E Institute WOA s _ 2 . E Ts > 5 & § ""“"" *‘ \ifmed _ n :: : * f = 12 8 The Lakeside Women‘s Instl-%:i s itc _ mm _ _ esd "3~ C3 > 3 S C 8 tute held their regular meeting. _ mremetiiiirininnmatinoetmeens ts 31 wo.. s ‘¥2i% . a ds on Wednesday, January 9, in . _ § emaivemintines e wwBcs. 3 & 3 3 °7 the L.O.L. Hall at 1:30. 6: s ~ mitks ' fee® 3 . _After the opening exercises, a | _ f short business meeting was n B conducted by. the president, X or T C u S Mrs. James: Kittmer. Reports were given by 4H/leaders and . quilt committee. Minutes of the * C last. meeting ‘and financial reâ€"_ . f ports were also read. â€" * } A short course, "More Hints I on Sewing with Knits" is to | ~ _ wWOODpsTOCK â€" Douglas McRae of Hderâ€" p.m., â€" Kintore Public _ School; _ Ingersoll, start on January 14 at the ton, Oxford‘s new agriculture extension asâ€" March 19, 8 p.m., Ingersoll Arena; Innerkip, United Church and the leaders » sistgant, fa‘r)lél%mfce((li a)lflnsll\tl)on(:ayb for oé‘g?ni- March 22, $:30 p.m. Foresters‘ Hall, Innerâ€" is M;z-m lzsbezrt,g-'HoldeIr;, and . 35 ;?“ of 22 Oxford 4â€"H clubs, to begin SatU®â€" __ jop. nowwich, March 22, 1:30 p.m., North i egersâ€" â€" was e e d i te:t Mescuit Norwich Public School, Burgessville; Taviss _ f ?ï¬:ls&;dr tl\(;i send. :;11 I;lona.ttloln-fto'; th(g?gam.zatlonal meetings wili be held for tock, March 21, 8:30 p.in., o ropfa _ fown. emorial Hospital for‘ 24 ": ; ship office; Te ine C 8 : sick childfén in LondonglAl,soâ€to } ZVEter;;‘.a:};?l c‘(‘llbiJ}:'?{O é’{“ }W‘“‘d‘fl% ?t Sr‘: }ig?r:f'frlgim;{ï¬g?j ï¬mï¬l%}, él%%stp::\;:d I\yliit send gifts to the . Woodstock: borra ighland Park School, norf!? 0 son School; Tillsonburg, March 20, 8:30 p.m., Health clinic at Easter. .. 42 r(I)J.ngineering conservation club, 8:30, p.m oc d ) The program for the afterâ€" 4 o & rrt e i tC i+ . Mr. McRae, who‘ will coâ€"ordinate 4â€"H activâ€" noon was a. euchre party â€" March }6’ \V°°d§t°°k agriculture office. ities in 0}((01’(1, is an Iiderton swilje farmer, enjoved by the members _ Tillsonburg conservation, beef. and horse . past president of the IIderton Junior Farmâ€" guJesyts. Tyh etr Ee were twe?gg," clubs, 8:30 p.m. March 20, Brownsville Hall. ers, diréctor of the Middlesex Junior Farmâ€" P anles in Aplny atien which a" Oxford horse_club, 8:30 p.m. March 18, ers, and a 1973 graduate of Centralia‘s busiâ€" dainty lunch was served by the Tollgate School. : Y3 managem’ent C e & committee in charge. Prizes f North Oxford crops .club,.8:30 p.m. March CC e j/ cuâ€"wz,/â€"?. =* //75( ° were given for euchre scores 21, East Zorra Township office, Hickson. and birthdays ahd were won byb' Blenheim crops club, 8:30 p.m.: March 21, + Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Mrs: Karel), John Perrin residence, RR 3, Bright, h Brandenburg, Mr's..,John.Baker & Burgessville pork club, 8:15 p.m. April 16, . and Mrs. Gordon Gregory, Mrs.» place "0l yet' * i § ; Charles Holden, Mrs. Jenny Salford swine club, 8 p.m., April 15, place A Chandler, Mrs. Jean Young, . nogaï¬?tcslzg organization meetings are: Benâ€" %gs. CC%:rence Cole_and Mrs.. nington club, March 20, 1:30 p.m., Highland n CLore,. ; * * Park School; Blenheim club, March 19, 1 1 <f * L / p.m., Blenheim Township _ hall, Drumbo; d *.* Bonds East and West clubs, March 19, 1 . ; * pm. Woodstock Civic Centre Arena and 2:30 p.m., Woodstock agriculture office; Cody‘s / F club, March 20, 1:36 p.m., Highland. Park School; East Nissouri club,, March 18, 8:30 _ 2 gealtiffaal e :344 2 . igst 4 | £A s f 1