Mrs. Roy Sutherland and Miss Mary Holden are leaders of Cen. tennial Chef 4-H Club with Laura Brandenburg, president, Nancy Holden vice-president, and Betty Mills secretary, Cher. yl Gates and Lynda Gates, press reporters. The unit is "A world of food in Canada." The first two meetings were held at the home of Miss Mary Holden. The first lesson topic was Indian menu, the second meting was French menu, the third meet. ing at the home of Laura Bram denburg was English menu. Cen. tennial Chef 4-H Club girls are planning to complete this unit with a Centennial dinner with parents as their guests. ----Free Press Woodstock Bureau Provincial honor winners at the regular 4-H Achievement Day of Tavistock on Saturday were, left to right: Joan Innes, RR 3, Embro; Susan Hewitt, Har- rington West and Mary Holden, RR 3, Lakeside. Mrs. Anna Sutherland and Miss Mary Holden, leaders of No, 2 Lakeside 4-H club were in charge of the Achievement Day exhibit in Tavistock Hall. The exhibit of the 8 members was "Come Dine in Holland." Laura Brandenburg, the com- mentator, wore wooden shoes and costume of the people of the Netherlands. 7:216 . J? ,19'd"f iN 4-H Club Met The second meeting of Lake- side Lillibet 4-H Club opened with repeating the 4-H pledge. The hostess Mrs. Clayton Kew entertained the members at her home. Betty Ann Langdon read the seerctary's report, followed by roll call answered by .eight members. Barbara Langdon demonstrated how to make a meat pie. Mrs. Clayton Kew, 4-H Club leader, discussed Food Guide for Health. Jane Kew demonstrated how to make sug- ar dumplings. The unit is "A World of Food in Canada." The lesson topic was "The Heritage from New France." French and English names were used in the menu. [AIMS/Di Free Press Woodstock Bureau 4-H Homemaking Clubs of B r a c m a r North, Braemar South, B r o o k s d ale East, Brooksdale West, B r o w n 's W.I. Harrington West, Hickson South, Hickson Centre, Lake- side 1, Lakeside ll and Prin- c csé Elizabeth, Tavistock, held their achievement day program at the Tavistock Hall, Tavistock on Saturday. Home economist Miss Mary E. Bothwell was in charge. Receiving provincial honors were: Joan Innes, RR 3, Emb. Mrs. Gordon Knox, presi- dent of North Oxford W. I. presented the,provincial and county honor certificates and pins. 4-H Homemaking clubs hold achievement day Free Press Woodstock Bureau WOODSTOCK -- 4-H Home- m a k i n g Clubs of Bonds, Drumbo, Innerkip West, Emb- ro, Plattsviile, Innerkip East and West Oxford had their achievement day program at Huron Park Secondary School, Woodstock, Saturday. Home economist Miss Mary B. Both- well was in charge. Receiving provincial honors were: Marilyn Lowes, Curries, Margaret McCall, Lakeside, Marie Johnson, Embro. County honors went to Linda Dale, Curries, Karen Kitchen and Marianne Riach, Wood- stock, Vickie Goodwin, Eileen Elmes, and Dianne Morrison, all of Drumbo; Marion Beggs and Lynda Ball, Emldro, Carol McIntyre, Woodstock; Norma Brooks, Innerkip, Rosemary Schlaepfer, Woodstock, Joanne Smith and Nancy Strickler, Bright; Sharon Waldie, Platts- ville. _ Woodstock (ll awards presented Provincial honors winners at Woodstock 4-H Achievement Day were, left to right: Marie John- son, Embro; Marilyn Lewes, Bonds and Barbara McCall, Embro. County honors went to: Dom na Knudsen, RR 5, ‘Embro, Barbara JdaeHay/RR 5, Emb- ro, Elizabeth Walton, RR 5, Embro, Darlene Walters, “RR 2, Embro, Jean Fraser, RR l, Embo; Marlene Piett, RR 1, Embrp; Marlene Sharp, RR. 3, Lakeside and Ruth Steinman of RR 1, Bright. 1'0, Susan Hewitt, Harrington West, both of Harrington West Club and Mary Holden, RR 3. Lakeside, of the Lakeside Il Club. The theme "A World of Food in Canada" was dis- played by several skits and demonstrations put on by the various clubs.