I sns n ky > im tss _ _ _ â€" s ] Page 12, Voice of the Oxford Farmer, Thursday, Oct. 29, 1987 C ie _â€" 3e s j | \â€"\\’-H-â€"*\wâ€"\qï¬_\\ Farm management specialist has several responsiblities * Farm management â€" Lambton County. Economic and Business proâ€" Mark 4, They |; ; C . specialist Gary Ste l%ens has Stephens graduated from gram. > Stephensgyhl(;zle;izg Ci;l]gleds- * been employed witï¬ the Onâ€" _ the University of Guelph durâ€" He and his wife, Janet, have _ the restOration of 2 13253 2 tario Ministry of Agriculture ing 1974 from the Agriculture two children: Sarah 7 and Chevrolet fourâ€"door sedan } £ e and Food (OMAF) since May & s :. a mm . 4 f19'514CHe began work in Oxâ€" \_\â€"â€"___\.__\M 4 e wl ord County seven years ago. ; + Prior to his association with Ros rep resentatlve es ®f the Oxford branch, Stephens i rwoud: .1 â€" â€"was for six years the assisâ€" m â€"â€"K§ ws FTIl _ tant agricultural represenâ€" en ro Q f § .+ ‘ _ _ tative for Haldimand County. loys nume us, ; s _ " _ > _ ___Now he‘s a resource person | g y â€" $‘ mt o F ___ for the financial assistance m [ l ~â€" $ \u." S * frograms offered by the Ob â€"A N ns _ federal and provincial governâ€" ace s o l 2 .. N . 3 é‘;;;: _ ments. Stephens has also 5k . wim _ | been designated as the counâ€" Bm C» y Â¥__ ty‘s swine and beef program ame * > Gosselin is also involved can achieve their objectives oA . â€" _Â¥ e S "\ contact. * > with offering educational proâ€" _ or goals." _ \’g FX si% _ _ His interest in the grams to foster hetter She 1 ; > Sy ‘ue C \;-‘; $ > f agricultural industry comes . _ employerâ€"employee relationâ€" h Eh 1S, presently finishing ummA AECWUERIOE ! from growing up on a farm in "*" l ships on the farm. et bnesis on ‘‘Training and ; & & : developing needs of rural Gary Stephens : E: % "I also act as a congultant _ organizations specialist". The e 34â€"3 _ __ to farm groups, helï¬mg them _ work is through the World HT>~ it > j evaluate the health of their _ Extension Studies at Guelph R f, E: i ) S AL _ organizations. I work with University. & B "~ C SA _ the same groups to help them t oo in ie erntange dod .o ons i ie ce ean aain aiioetie oo n ues s hnd % ‘; wa . |_ _ _develop problemâ€"solving Once completed she will F @ ¢ + skills and decisionâ€"making lg,ccglve .heer?aglter’s in Rural 5 t ic *A _ techniques so that group‘s xtension Studies. Management * omm , | specialist has 1( l ® @ f impressive background t Bea Gosselin ie e e en mm amememememea is o io. ces ocon Socs_. .. iL l nds _ | se ud associate _ agricultural Rural Organizations | . m . [ _ representative in Prince Edâ€" Specialist, Bea Gosselin enâ€" i :PR ward County, 1973 through Joys numerous facets to her | # > ~â€"= p 1983 and summer assistant JOb with the Ontario Ministry i â€" Bs t with the Soils and Crops Of Agriculture and Food e s e branch, Kingston 1972. (OMAF) branch t â€" |â€" l e ~" insl Hendry‘s duties include the _ Woodstock. ___ . m delivery of numerous Prior to coming to Oxford, | â€" o e <al ’ _ ministry, farm management : Gosselin worked for the Lonâ€" | ~Cak ie & C _ related programs such as, Gdon, Clinton and Newmarket e > P ) _ _ _ Beginning Farm Assistance Offices of OMAF. She has a . e t | _ Program, Farm Start Proo Gegree from the University of %’ K k = .:w.::; r? ‘-ï¬â€™." ram, Farm Managment Manlto.ba 1n Home ~ IK 3 â€" & gafgtyFand Reis[air Program, Economics. \â€" M 3 e i .08 an arm anagement j hss %%{f Analysis Project to gname a _ Although her chief responâ€" . @ ’-‘/f'_ Wt few. sibilities are responding to 4#A _ | : He is also the designated the needs of leadership _ _ es _ _ _ dairy contact for Oxford_ resources and â€" organization > -"\1\ § == ; Count,y, and his responâ€" developmept 1nfo_rmat10n, Memee c l cas â€" _\ _ _ siblities include the evaluaâ€" Gosselin still functions as a (D esA esd tion and formulation of comâ€" food nutritionist for Oxford " sxam 4 _ puter dairy ration and the County, offering solutions to Richard Hendry organizing of producer inforâ€" problems with baking, cookâ€" mation sessions such as the ing, canning, and possible annual Woodstock Dairy Sypâ€" concerns over meat quality. \ I Richard Hendry, farm.â€" mosium, and Women‘s Dairy _ But she spends most of her : management sg)eciahst, JOMâ€" _ Day, : time conducting contininuing ed the Oxford County team of _ Richard, and his wife, Jay, education programs for rural the Ontario Ministry of who holds a degree in Zoology youth an(f adults, helping Agricultureand Food in 1983. from the University of them to become more effecâ€" Previous work assignments Guelph, and their six year old tive citizens. Her instruction include assistant and gon, Tain, reside in Innerkip. _ places an emphasis on leaderâ€" ship skills and expansion of general knowledge. ’ : |