T-r- 4 _-c-------"-------- --_--' l _ T Q j" c'"'-""--'-"'----;------, . '-1Ts]L'slr,"rrir'""'F't TIr-Cr, _-C" - f'" ","'i7ri7:-C'i'f,'rrr-P,8 he is .5 _ "'-, .. C',-.-, r', "Lt mfg; _"r'eert underst '. T... ' . I "_-", "r'" 'fr-trr) _ an CC. tii,rirlittitt'tirdn ',". , ' s'--.' -. f , "." _ ' 's-rc'-,.,), ru r _ .' _ -'.. I--"' . _ V v:f' _ g C From Page A1 Jiegd/, had never'left their! (s5iis,tjs.5,f , ' “1‘" _ "r,'rrt-ficrs,c-'-sic- h _ . V l moved from the farm for attempt- hThe Rounds said they were , _ J _ _ V ihg to prevent the removal of a s oeked at the sudden seizure be- T . V - piece of equipment, she said she f/lt? they had been allowed' to . . . 2 ' _ - , held no grudge against police orthe eep the machinery for two years ' 7 C - ' trustee who were "just doing their egg were w.oriking on a deal to buy .1 job." _ lei-133C515 that fell through only last Clarence Rounds was petitioned "'It's terribl . . ,, I _ I into bankruptcy by the Bankof Rounds said 'lti, timing, Sharon . Montreal Jan. 17, 1983, and was re- crip le us W ,"Shcertainly gomig to ) leased from bankruptcy on March, borspto ia e avg-t0 ask neigh- 2 9, 1984. The farm now belongs to The Rou Ili' Out . . Sharon Rounds and Glenn Rounds 7(280 hectargs) all? am“ 700 acres through refinancing from the Farm ha t ' d 0 mr own crops to . _ Credit Cor . The have been ne o. rves an had contracted to har- _ . . p y g vest about 400 a 5 tiating for several years to buy back ofnei hb , cr es (160 hectares) V from the trustee th achin in- . g ors cr0ps,themoneyfrom _ , volved in 'Efrel'dh'l1fdlyl',vallt which was to go to buying back the I machinery. Their negotiator in the 3 ' , _ , FV T . .. "IIN I - tr . . ' - "m . IliMlllglNl$l IlitiMlgMlMlMigtB. :..:..:..:;;;..§: ':'lii'ihti)Watll1 i2illMigililll1 ' 'lRM.?,gltNtt J . . - cj-ri:)), ‘ "_-w---.- "r.' 5 (dispute, Ron Phillips of Kings- Ill I - " - ' I . lllllllllllllglllllllllimllltllNl e 'iiiii:iiii"ii'i'i?iilitlllll illRiiglllil _ 2 I , . 1 E ranged ameeting with the trusteee " . - Iiillllllll . I - lll8lellllllmllltlllillMlllllNllilll, is lllillll Migrriall, ‘ V†It - - today at9 a.m. to workadeal on the ' ' t tN " 'r. I 1lltlllilllllllIllllilllNlllllllllMllllrlilll8 elite?“ Fa . Iilllillll Mllll1ltlBllglliMlll' _ 'r, maehinery. . I " , _ " , "lglll 'I ItlllltlllMlilllllllllMllll ialtlt%"""1'i'iiisiii,Ri-lll8illllllll Biiii.i,k'ii,?a. "ii';iiagJl.illlNlltlll lil-lil, Ill . ',," ' Kingsmount/Deloitte lawyer ' . " , li1liliNlll. "llil8, tlll ' illgmgillll-iiiiEb"i;':'alq Illrl . 'tlil. Doug Ferguson huddled with Cla- Ilt ll" " Iltlllill a. iilMll 1lllllllllNliiillt?i)i,:.talilil It':.':::':.:"',::,':,::]::':,',')):)::):':')-:',,, JtliFl 'u'iiarlill , . V 'renee Rounds throughout the day Illll 'ltlllrllllllllIl .- his iiilllIllilli-l.iillil I .i'i'iii'.y.ler,r:,i:_:, _', _)' I . , and by telephone worked with an- " . 'll' "tlil. " 45:55:":22623352521-‘i:,:3§5'35-“37r2532?"? " il " , ' ‘ » " 'Kircia;/:ri'iciil', 7: "/." "r/l/rr,:,.":'-),;:',:,,, t - tether lawyer in London trying to " 1lllllliMlilit1lllIilll, Bll 9%; ~ " q . " 'lip/i:.,),) "i. _ ' ",'i""::rfCi")lrr' 5 halt the court equipment seizure " 'ill 'lil-lil 'ir ’ §( " TR: " I l Il., Por': Cr', _ _ j '. _ "," order, which brought police and IlllllilllllllllllillMllIlllllllll , “‘4. $33.32 r,: T, _'-.' "s. _ / . _ the bankruptcy trustee onto the Ilillllllllllllrll8llllillm . gg‘i‘ F"' t _ i Ruth Skillings,aformer neighbor: "gIlli, 522;. . ifwiss _ _ _ _ gh' has lived in nearby Lakeside '.llilllilllllelil Illllr. . l ' *‘teél- _ , . or two years since she and her hus- I 'lllllllllillllllliilllllll ' . t . I... M. *1 y "_,' _ . _ band lost their farm, said it was i' IilllilllllilllllMl ',Prll,:t5', S â€3%.th it I T ironic and sad that the equipment tl llrilgll$lillll1ll iriiltl8Ri,i:iji,ii.its* i ",,, ssc/vid/rr,?;;)":').?;:'.-'",))'?) _ _ l was seized before the Rounds got 'llliIlltllllllllillltllr/ i » " "lllilll IlE.glll 4'32 'ii?ilii'i :.~:“'\fj":"2'~ Tr- _ . _' 'v' r,.j)t,'r", 'is/iii ', their crop off. I ll' iRlRllilill liirijf, , I Iill li' lill.t'iiBl yij.'i,i:r" 'i: l)':". "i, '. , l:' _ "? l _'-',, _ _ l - The whole neighborhood will be , Ilgllllllilillllllll _ __':"_'C',ii'r":;..8l . tlllWl.gllll1Bs.l18,,!,8,!:l:8,, "'::ri:'ii)ri,s_r""i?,?, ', '"l.i'j,,rr.,_,: ',, l Ic, 'ou, "j, 3' i hurting because of the custom har- . 1llMllill ' 5:52; to“ 1,ftivj"i_"'ilr':si,l'i' :; '." _ '. 'b . _'.. 'ir, l vesting work Clarence Rounds RI 'lillllllllliit , _)'ri'c,ti,iri_rr? :;;": *9“ its“; 'l')' 'c. _ _ :' .,," I, . V , does, Skillings said. Neighbors and " 'Bllllll. ..~ ij:':, _-"):"-',-,))::""".';,?:'-,':';,)'-'::",": 'ur"':,",)) _,!,",'::::":,'.')':.",,?',");:'.'-:-,,::,':').", ':'- , 'r T -- it. . V 2 Roundsnow willhaveto make diiti- 2532* lltlt?:rlit 'r",:.',: :iiietrjr'esc'1'lr1 "C')-),),'),':' _:f,r'ii/'i':t':'"' at _ "'t . 2 . / "v" VT T cult last-minute arrangements to Ill, 'lilf'i:i'iii"i'i/r"; (_;"',,'::' ' /i':_ 'rr":":")':-),-,'"",'";':'))'."::".""'" wt"":" "'jii'_;)',tri'i'. . 'ii'iir't::ry: ct' ,. _ ' 'i' '., 'r, ' l harvest their bean crops. q Tlt ‘ . /,i',_' j 76“ $3,; r:riii,ii,isi:it,'. _",,. ", 7. _/_' . l, ', _ j _ i Rit.ekiryelqon, representing trust- i 'lll1 a ",:.:tsr::idir', s.L.' T (r,-:'.-:!'.:),:",".:),;:-'".), a Ic,,. ": _-'-' ", __ l ees In bankruptcy Thorpe Ernst 1lililMl 22.,» - 2 _'-" _,,', "-, : ":;' c, b _ _ l and Whinney Ine. of London, said Bl1llillggu'iirg:r'/r:'" iliMii.i' , ':j::ij:irtllKNltlIl I I " _ tr':;":::';'.:'),),' 1"i] I 'riiiti',:iliilr' is " q C, _ i:r) t' T 2 . . he was just put on the Rounds case IlltlllIrl5i.r_:r/, tltillti:.i/:,'r:,,i: ',ii,'f:,iitilllliliillii" - _i.i:.'i),it:i,i,'i:'i:., FI jl'ii).tbir'iirr..jiyi, l,," a. _"1x, .112.†"251‘;- _ y l this week because another trustee " Itll Tra(riii. IllllE(.y'l'r_i:: ('l:Mlillllllligiilll 'll' "ri':'t'i'c':,iii/: "illl c:i':i'Ilri.s)/ii" 'is , I' l 1::cr '.t "u".""';,:'.:".", L, V _ I who had handled it for several , ll' "tf,-,:),'::'",,] illl.'i,il,i(, 'rr/i'.',':'.),:';';:,",:'-:'}'),-,:)), (ii'dtkr/'r , (,s' 't',, (o,. (',"r1.j, 3...:- "" . l years went on vacation. B? ll ‘% =7 ':/ . illllNi:/r,'1 _)'-:, 1lillilllllllml f 32- trr'i':,iiailL'irj"rri, "I , ' r"s'r,r' 7 _esradt" ' . . . ., 2' ' 5 Jackson, who at one time worked 1 IiNllB.cltii,._,:,_', 'liltlllllllrir,r.rl: 'ir:_ritillllllNtBlirlt 'i'rr'i:Cit.',ia.iti,tt'o"dlll 'tis,"," ' «a J,1uiiqllllllilM _. _ t i for the federal bankruptcy office in I Ialtlirg' r::,'::). 'e,.:?:,,,,,,,,.,"-,'.."-,:,?-,":',':"; 'iii:,'-,' IlillllME '/'ii'jj),'i:."i'i'i, 'lti;ititiqiiiiilllii.i1 Illlillht; . i London, said he doesn't alwayslike IllialllilF-',iir,i1 'tiiligvti':r':_r';:) 'r',)',':..-:.",):',.,':.:?,','.:')."),:? Illri3allillllllMllllllllilltliiilillllilllltlgiillr _ l his t.r1Wee'sjob,"this part ofit any- I..BJ.1.tl,Fc,gx,$r,,r 'i,_.'r'aliBlllll9,'j?,r: ";,,jr:'l lIllllll1lBiIlllW, '1'iiiikia f q "'allglllllliilIlilllllllllllllliglilliiBMlilliiliir: _ . way. I'm from a farm originally. I z (ii/j-Mimi..";','-'-:'--)':.!., liar: C' , _ :"r"" :,,:j'j.iii:1 $llIll rallllllllllMlllIllMlllillIl- " 'rr. _ - '" . l sympathize." , 9a fjj,rr- 1rj"rstrrj, 'lt -. il ,-- "ri'i':')i:'.aliNillilt 1lMlliilllllllIlllllllllllMillElBliilIl I "c.'.' . i "sAM11" " . . " In the early 1980s, the Rounds 7 t " IllirIlllgil _-i',ii's'i:i;ralilillllll, ':NiilllllNllll IllIillllilll 'lille, , ‘ . . , MillllllilIlll I l were active in the Canadian Farm- 2 - lt llllllmr, _l'(ljiitliilllllirilllllll 1::SlltlSiillilllllllll, 3. IltlellllllI . Bil . " liilMlillllIll ' _ It, ers' Survival Association, which ‘7 :â€" 'lil-Mit-,' :ii,lii,ii.'MltilllllllllBl "/ralllllllllllllilll. e" . , . 'ItllliltilIiiltllllllillit. ' tt P "_-.' I has all but vanished from the farm ', â€Ã© ' " II' 'itillMllll I "lit ll' 'llllllIlllllMllllllil" ' . , s _ l scene in the last two years. _ iicE:,g?i:.'i'ierC", "“ -"',L: 'l'::), I " " IlllilBllIllllliliMiiilti, Il " 1llllllll, . a Iv,,. i "There arep't very many of us 'iraci'i'i,?t.ii'iii:.'jrit â€Ã© _., It'tlllllrii.'siri:ili','lIlii' - Ill - 1litl Milli-Illia" 'lil " ' . I " ' tt . lj- i left," Sharon Rounds said. Q 1%, Illlil8ltf'r'iCciil'l'iilialiilllli% . "tali" I " - I IlMllilllliiglllltilillMlill . I 'llilillll1 ' I , . I I '.i1E:tt.iir:ji'j- _", 7‘s "isSiNl a " 'BtllllIlmili- 'iiliIlgltllllilltllglilq . ‘ ‘ _ b '--, ----- :33â€? 'tIIB.. 'lrlrlllili-ill- BMilllllrlliil I . ' ' ' 'r-cj' ' -rrrr,T---rr- "5 -', "w, 27,†'liiil I Illlllll-lll. I 'ltlllllllillllNllltllt IIt u _-"- . 9e'y?i%Fs':tr1r)'fCf'r'rf:". 'c?r'rr,', :rr".jsj'tr, (,"rirfir."-,ir, lf' 'i,ii';ii:i'ialBligiiMiNll, irate. Bifi'ii't% , 1lBlteillilril MII - 'tIRI-il , " P â€it": _ - _ r" , egâ€-?2 - 7 li 1elllllllllilillllglll " - ' - Itlillll' ‘ . , , '_.',': "." (. q gale /(:r.i,..% Ill ' Il, . llllll ' ' . I , , 3: , i _ I Mr:i.'r)'/rjj,i,i'i1f [ij:':':':,,';,":,';:.:"..,"'::':,;.').:).).,"' " 'IIE.':;'.:),).'..:).-'.;.:;;:?" ’ " are“ , , . Ml, lltliill l il ' ' " e, i : _ t 97 'ti.","::"";:"::',-':",'-,':.".';:'?',.?.?.., 'lllltirj,l:ii':ji':'atIll I 'llllli. - we. , I 1lllilMl. 'lil- - ' I llllellll " ' T 2A ’ /. . /\(7",‘ 92%.,("5 ' . , IlBll, ll Illit _ q l . ' - _ _ :1 . 'c- i. r .'i .'r 2. review _."",,-",':",)',"','-":;'.":.'.';', . - . IltllI8lll - - It . ' I "c,' ", (",c,,, _ _ l 1. if 7; 'tIli"::,')":,:,)'-,"::-::":,::":)'.::"; Illlllliliilll " - 'llllllillNlltll. tlll I - - . . _ . J, oir'rititris' 7' , 'l.':';:,)),'-,:';:.."::)). tiitf.i'ifrsi:2, ' - Bjfjji)i3Wsa"': 22:5: 'I'v'f.;'<,’g . 3 'kd: ..â€: 3 " " " ItlMiilll 3 , . l F _ l (tr _ I- ' .h,'ii,'(':i"_:i'ii)':,'ijalllll . (5/..i'i,ii's?dl. Ik1?:iii:': . I Ilillllllllllltl q "tiii? . - Iillllllltillll, _ . Itll' 1 ' i, ' - - T I 5":3-3’5‘213-134'1 tkt - - 54:5“ " . 7 'f', f? -"/'jf';$‘_ . _ , " l' I V BqiitlMiltg - - - . - _ . ' 3;. _ _ _ :35: _ ASN l" ' . . 2 ."i, BllHronside of The Free Press "3. '3 (as, 7 _ 5 ", T g Clarence Rounds ofRR a, Lakeside, and‘London lawyerboug FSFguson huddled irehuantly . 2 gr" c. , Farmer .. . luti nttfarwoutd prevent the removal of farm, IE . ...}. _ q" throughout the day Wednesdaywtryingtofind, alto IO r-_-r-cr-vac-e-camel,-,-.---'-.-.-, w; ..' f2 l P-' , .5 A' "55ic. _ ", ‘ equipment from the family farm. _------,------"-??',-)',-',", i-'siiiifisrr1-rt'irr.' c/c-dies-ii-iii-ii-a' "f? V, 1ririati'igifili- . . _:12tdi';,." _ _.-----:--- -, -2-2= . ~- is- paiC'uQwq 2-7;~~‘ - --. " ' A“ "’ '