The Lakeside 4-H Girls Homemaking Club were guests of the Lakeside Women's Institute on Wed- nesday evening May 10th at the Lakeside United Church. The president, Mrs, Isabelle Whittaker welcomed the girls and their mothers and opened the meeting with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. The Roll Call was answered with "Give the names,of your two grandmothers, yearstplaees of birth and where they lived". Minutes of the last GIRLS HOMEMAKING Wedding bells are ringing, ringing, ringing! The Lakeside United Church Women held a .. successful ham supper on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Anna Sutherland‘and Miss Kim McLeod spent last week-end with a friend Miss Florence Taylor at her cottage near Bracebridge. Wedding Bells! _ The June meeting of the A.C.W. was held on the 22nd in the Parish Hall, Evelyn King presiding, scripture by Merle Kirk, roll call was answered by _naming a fayourite Bible verse. Min- Jtes and correspondence was read by Jennie Chand- ler. Plans were discussed for the annual decoration day service to be held July 16 at 3. Plans were also made for a dinner for a forthcoming wedding to be held in the Church. Hostess- es were Jean Young, Mary Smith. “Mr? and Mrs. Allin Stewart spent the week-end at Trillium Park, Parkhill. At the Sunday morning service at Christ Anglican Church there was a good attendance for the farewell of the Rev. C. W. Root who is resigning for health reasons from the active ministry. Rev, Root has become very concerned with the families of the parish, The July meeting or the Vannater, The Story of the Lakeside U.C.W.was held at Colonial Regency", a the United Church on continuing story of the Tuesday evening with Mrs. Caribbean. The' Devotional Geo. Whittaker presiding. was given by mrs. Willis After the opening hymn the Ball and piano music by topic was given by Mrs. Miss Sandra Holden. Ashort Whittaker and had been business period followed and prepared by Mrs. Clifforlards sent to the sick and Brown and Mrs. Mel shut-ins. Luneh"was served "mun- -. - meeting were readby the new secretary-treasurer Mrs. Allin Stewart. Corres- pondence and letters were read and business dealt with, , Mrs. Allin Stewart gave her report of the Officers Conference at Waterloo which she attended. The 4-H girls gave a fashion show of the dresses they had made in the "Cotton Review" unit they have completed, also performed, a skit, "Dressing the manikins" Mrs. Ross McCorquudale convenor of Family Affairs introduced and he has involved the children in taking part in the service. Debbie Hunter pre- sented gifts from the Sunday school, to, Rev. and Mrs. Root. After the service gifts were also presented from the parish. Rev. and Mrs" Root then departed for the service in Thamesford. Then all gathered on the lawn for lunch and games, and Mrs. Valerie Horobin and chil- dren, Ian, Keith and Sue Nim were presented with gifts. The Horobins are leaving shortly for Fort McMurray in northern Al- berta. We shall miss them. o _ _ . . Lakes ide UCW J u r,lt.sslil,,,,,,t,,ri,.,!he,tts.!, I ng or the Vannater, The Story (of the by the committee in charge. .Ja Rig c/hgrghtgt. Marys Mr. and Mrs. Alex Seaton, Woodstock were Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. Grace Seaton. The Lakeside Sunday School held their Annual Picnic on the Church lawn on Sunday afternoon with a ‘ good turn out. An interesting program of games sports and a ball game was convened by the teachers and a good time enjoyed followed by a picnic supper land ice cream. _day. Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Taylor and Greg of Cambridge were Wednesday visitors at the Taylor home and visited with Mr. Taylor at the St, Marys Hospital. Alvin also celebrated his birthday that Mrs. Marjorie Pearson who spoke on Cameo Painting and .showed her beautiful collection of quilts and many other articles, also demons- trated the making of flowers made of dough and painted. The girls were particularly The girls were pamwm interested in this. I McCorquodale and Mrs. by the committee in charge. August will be ~hbliday month iand there will be no meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ashton and family, Gorm- ley, are spending some holidays at their cottage by. the lake and had as Sunday visitors, Mrs. Otto Ward, Parkwood hospital, Mr. Otto Ward, Westminister hospi- tal, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ward and family and Mr. Doug Ward and family of Londdn. Mrs. Edna Harris and George and Mrs. Barbara Taylor of London were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mitchell on Sunday, and attended Decoration Service at Christ Church. Mr. and Mrs. Lee McCut- cheon, Mark, Holley, and Mathew of Willowdale were, week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ailin.Stewart. Sister Columba of Toronto is spending some time with her sister Mrs. Kathleen Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Strasser of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bendall and family, St. Marys, and Mrs, Barbara McKay and Lynn, Stratford were Sunday visi- tors with Mrs/Williams and attended the Decoration Service at Christ Church. Get well wishes, to Mr. David Barows and Mrs. Mel Vannatter who are patients in St. Marys Memorial Hospital. DECORATION DAY SERVICE Christ Anglican Church was again filled for the anhual Decoration day ser- vice on July 16th. The weather was ideal. The church ground was neatly ‘cut and trimmed and flowers to decorate the graves of loved ones were plentiful and beautiful. The Rev. Robert W. Birtch from Pat Pickering, 4-H club leaders ' ' were presented with gifts. .. . Mrs. Frank McLeod, retiring F secretary-treasurer was pre-' _ sented with a gift for her eight years of faithful work. . . . It was also the Grand- . mothers' meeting and each ..- . grandmother was presented -' .. t," witha gift of cologne, courtesy of Linda McCorqu- odale. Mrs. Anna Sutherland gave courtesy remarks and lUnch was served by Mrs. Jared Vining and commit- tee. a faithful member and worker of teh church. Rev. Birtch deliVered a very timely sermon, from which , he said - "Why are you looking in a tomb for someone who is alive?" We are people who are known as the people of the Resurrec- tion. Without hope people cannot live. One of Christ's _ men said, people are without God and without hope in our world. If we are to have life we have to be willing to give up the temptations of this 1ep1ld and trust in God." Week-day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Switzer, Belton, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Douglas and family, London, Mr. Bob 'Douglas, Stratford, and Mr. St. Jtuititg auth",' St. Marys was the guest speaker for the day. He extended a very warm welcome to members and visitors who came from many miles away to this special service. Lessons were read by Charles Harris and Donna Guthro. During the oifeilory the children's choir sang. A sanctuary light was dedicated to the Glory of God and in memory of the late Mr. Frank Baker, and - Mrs. Huntingford. Len ’Pallister,