Mrs. Robert Shrubsole was On the way back to Scotland , , _ " honoured on her birthday at an we stopped at Lincoln, saw the _ , afternoon tea given by her Cathedral and the open air . i daughter, Mrs. Evelyn King at market. Then Saturday we went . her home at .New Eden on to Edinburgh, saw the Castle . Monday at 3:00 p.m. The the Royal Mile Holyrood Palace . ’ birthday gifts were presented and the Scottish National Art Win Honours At Oxfo rd by her grandchildren and Mrs. Gallery then down to Burns shrubsole's daughter Mabel, Cottage. h . our†c . D _ Mrs. Norton of Dorchester. Jean said eac day they went C A h m . Mrs. Jean Young and Mr. somewhere and especially en- y ' leve ent ay ' V Jack Young have returned from joyed the trip. . . _ a three weeks visit in Scotland Mrs, Grace Seaton, Mrs. Ne third of four Achieve- girls: (completed six projects _ and England, Jean haspvritten Jenny Chandler, Miss Marion ment Days for Oxford County to receive County Honours);- ' for our Lakeside readers the Baker visited with Mrs. Verda t't"i. held on May 8, 1976, at Jane Baker, R.R. 3 Embro- ' mowing: Kittmer at the home of her son _ TaV'StOCk Memorial Hall, Tav- Sandra Foster, R.R. i, iiiiiiiii.ii': ' "We visited Dundee, St. and Mrs. Lloyd Kittmer and istock. 140 club members from Carol Pelkmans, R.R. 2, Em: r Andrews, Aberdeen, Rannoch afterwards attended the Birth- H “UPS took part. bro; Catherine Jarrett, R.R. 2 i Moor and through the Grampain day tea for Mrs. Shrubsole. During the morning, the Lakeside. , mountains to the Kyle of Wednesday evening is the , members took part in several Heather Munro, R.R. 2 . . Lochalsh whereyouget the ferry Lakeside United Church ham; iici.t.i.1.'ites - a quiz, menu Embro; received Provinciaf . boat to cross to the Isle of Skye. supper. hurtling. and a discussion Honours for completing 12 . Then we went up Wester Ross Mrs. Jas. Morrison spent a se.9ilon. IN the afternoon, each projects; and Joan King, R.R. 2 "l I and down to Inverness, down few days visiting with her It: made a presentation of an Lakeside, won Advanced Hon- ‘ , the side of Loch Ness to Fort mother, Mrs. Margaret Allan, exhibit. a ‘skit or a demon- ours for finishing 18 projects. I l, . William then through the Granton. W390†Each member was . A ten-year leadership certif- i I Perthshire Highlands. Recently Mrs. Marie Thomp- 2'eytf, I†select and make her mate was also presented to I , We stayed at York and visited son visited with Mr. and Mrs. “mmâ€? bread r'eclpe to bring Mrs. Lorne Walters, R.R. 2, l i Yorkminster which was-quite a Jas. Morrison. lo Achievement Day. During Embro. i i sight, then down to Alford in Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Woll- the fillemoo'? Plerm1ss"y1: the The final Achievement Day , ‘ Lincolnshire. We stayed at the ney and family very much li1au,e,'isjs'ce.f,i, visitors sampled the will be held on May 15th at ' "White House Inn". Jack's Dad enjoyed on Sunday afternoon 1l?ff array of yeast bread Ingersoll District Collegiate i used to own this hotel before the picnic site and their family pt oduets. Institute. 4 i coming to Canada, the hotel is picnic at the Erb Silver Lining .Among the special award - , i l " over 500 years old. Apple Orchards. _ / 7; Winners 's'ereiliii/iiliiitiliiii"; - r, "'. _. . Ir, i i I f l .' __ ' v , i __---- _ ",'N _ r. t - 5:. kc, r. " : F --atll- . _ -- --------- - - "iii.---------, C. _-.-...:,,,:,,,,,----):".'.'- , g I . _ -- - t --- _ EN . j 7 . . -, it , _ "a ’ t ' i i M' a. a& EP, W, 'dt w- .. ki11lg. " .2; _ ' i Ll - P p, __ 1"? -- . - 3 rr g i' r.'" TN .,A.v':- 'll 'N 'tEd, 1lltaa " .. , : . I ', ' ‘5', "IE- . k f i a . " _ ' , g ' " . " t I - re,--' r i kitt'giilT, ". " - M iIlll i _ - i it o' g 1 A“: iialil i Ll , , ' i) L' "' 9 . _ mpl ‘ "Ctr . , it? i t " su' _ ! ' I I I '_.-' b Bi, g _ I . , _. i , l I g ' ' l il' ru - a .535 M . l2SN , s . ' . " In I- ' Fiji 'i' _ C - \ A†. - L il ' , !llrJ" l . . _ g I : ii l " i Ii f" i _ ltr, " ©, rr .' y V a, g tll CS _ â€A . , t e '. ii i ll I i , r'A'i t" , ' f a I V 'l-E I ;' l [j, - t E I , 1,“ I LTA T r..' CC', k? ‘ ,--: l " ‘ P. "aâ€. " ....... , 3 , , " , 'ff , IEI ~-. . _ _ 3,. v. I’Z4' .1 .. Tcz?" N -:, ' _ _ _ f F. ' i ' Jlell a. J...":."'.'..:,:',"',' C, ",,'i' Us: l _ Eh " - . l ' df i “g; _ u ' t .. _ B ' be: ' hr . I'. ‘."- t be - _ . -_ t4 l .3 t, w,.'.)'" ig‘ .5 t. l ER" q I , ' _t, EE _ I so“? 2. T,. -ea r- be ~- 5 =r, - _ F i 'd - . H-,,' , / ' Gre _ Y. r" ,. . It" '. _ ’ b . .‘a l ‘ _ r- .eui r. -= cs. q L er .. - i 7 - P, J Q as. , . . - - ' ' li r = . ID. ' . , W l Ci-C-.? I C", 'ji' "E ‘ _ r " 5 y . , , 1 l I I a! I A ‘. a 'Sl : V i] e I I I k " ' la' 'rl. , " 'l w", irl I _ d - =" 2 e LN Tgl ' "a. . " " = l; 1 'dr, .. J 1' _ 'fearr3, Ell _ ". -; "‘ Pe ' ." “r" __ »- _ e; _ Er-t 7C2..i _. FIT, 7- - TC', “,4. ---"- at.“ l A-.'- ' - , "a,†-,-.-: -r, = F" - . o . . _-.-.--- - unior Field Day Winners At Wildwood Park ' Junior students at Wild . . . . Uniondale, from Mrs. 2ltt./i0g1't2ns,'1tt', HEW†19, near MCKaY: Gina Power, Veronica Wakem. Robert Kittmer. Rear: track meet recently. Above are front left- Kg?" (gage vsvchddol til Ritetmeyeir,PNeil Gregory, Stewart Slater, Tim King, David ~ r Smith, Annie . T " . ' an a n en ogaar , aulSmith,Geoffre Slater, B . _ l Flannigan, Cathy Adams, Kathy Bleiker, Jody Elliot, Scott Lindsay. y I'yan Hutton, Keith . '