. , , . l ‘ l il _ _ I" "2 . l ‘ J. I , , ' V . ' O . O i , En] oys working with her o ersey catt e l by Dorca Baiiantyne i " young children. They are showing against children , Sharon Agla isa woman who is very involved with W. . e a J " in their own age group and it IS a way of getting " their Jersey operation on their 100 acre farm at RR , ",' .r, . "l , i, them interested in the dairy business and showing l,' Fordivich, and enjoys every minute of it. i... T l _ cattle. Jersey clubs seem to be very oriented "There was a short period ttn I wasn't sure I ,-.L, N _----'""" -ee i t 1 towards the young and family involvement. For the was all that keen about farming, Sharon said. “a-“ "., . 1 ' "l, 1 past two years Dick and I have been showing at the "I was raised on a farm near Lakeside and when I t _ A“ tt ' ' l V Clinton and Seaforth fairs." graduated from the University of Guelph I spent a ':?, " ' I. I _ year in Toronto at Teachers College. It was the year .- A " ,' . 1 They are members of the Perth-Huron Jersey in Toronto that changed my mind about city living _ "m fi . ' F, _ b 5! Club of which she is secretary. She expects a busy versus the farm, and now I would never go back to A [ , ", N, . -' " year on the job as the club will be holding its first the city to live." " ' I , 1'. ' A /) consignment sale. When she and her husband Richard were married li " i" . . / _ . . , . . . . ' they moved to Listowel where she taught home h 'i.. .lr,u'." nh, .,] t Nye . g m L _', oj,'teie,//v tltiervsate,ei,rgt2,nt Wltlh the Jersey . . . .,,,... br " it LC. T . _. , " _. ya ways go 0 e oya WinterFair economics for four years. During that period they JX‘TTE- "Ci a†I tr, - . . ., . a w bl for three days and attend the Ontario Club . . rr' Hus- x. " " _. r . " _-, ,,. -. . iN meeting boughtthe farm and when she had .her firstbaby she 1:37.,†4 Gl ' " Qs'. , . .. " . iii in January. Most of their friends are Jersey people quither work and took up farming in earnest. _ t?i'i','f,'tifi' m S bel " _ I Baiilliiiliilalll so there is a iotof visiting back and forth with them. "Dick, too, was raised on a farm but had worked [5% Ifiit i. s "rl, I El he " . . " As they go to we“ functions Sharon said they were on various other types of jobs until we bought this r 3.5.:- 'iig, El I - ‘ I Biiiil it BI ' , lil', $339,320 know pore and more people across the farm. He had always wanted to milk cows and IiliiiMlll 'rd - , - it i?d MI " " p 1 . ' particularly liked Jerseys. There were a few on the - iigi i gl, L) . . ‘, " I t I i A.“ " She is also president of th.e Eordwich w.r. farm when we bought it so we bought the herd and a " ., LSt . , we“ ' I u, ' "NEI "I really. enjoy the organization," Sharon said, started from there." _ , ' u q - " A = ,. Bal iiiEiil "and think it is one of the most worthwhile women's _ . g , ‘* Cr . I - I} . 'L", "r." . "s, _'. groups that there is. Our 75th anniversary will be "Now we have 45 head and milk 20 and we believe SH ARON A GL A coming up next January, so there will be lots to do." that the Jersey breed is the most efficient in ' "I like to work with m hands so . . a producing milk. We alsofeel it is the best way for us and hopefully that situation has improved er- . y serng it . . . . . . . ,, p foregone conclusion. I sew for everyone m the to make a living m dairy. During the milk situation manently. _ family and make just about all our clothes including we were short on quota Pt managed to get through, 7 Sharon is in the barn twice a day and said she .7 my husband's sports jackets and pants. I've become could do nearly all the chores on her own if she had very interested in macrame and have been teaching to. She milks and looks after the calves but doesn't classes in it for the last couple of years. I'm also do much field work. While she helps with the haying taking a quilting course which the W.I. is having, her main work is in the barna She also looks after the and find it fascinating." records and registration an keeps the farm books, "While I have a small garden and like . in which, she added, was almost a job m itself. it time seems to run out on me. There seerivigitlgg go V Their two 1aug.htersAeather, 6, and Jennifer, 4, much to do in the summer that often it gets ahead of " D . It: A 0.1 a are already showing evidence-of enjoying farm life. me." ", lle‘S . l C - a Young as they are they have gone to the barn with "Reading is something I really enjoy, and the . ' cur. her every night and have done this since they were entire family reads: We have both worked at getting f'orne rly of' Lakesuie area each about three months old, Sharon said. the girls interested in books and fortunate].y they - - . . are very interested. I think reading is one of the p M C TT S G "fort a "They both have their own calves and we will most important things they can learn to like and . daughter OI ml" . £5 â€r . . g probably teachthem how to lead them this summer. enjoy." . We expect them to show at the Seaforth Fair. Nota sports-minded person, Sharon said she gets Heather did show two years ago. While she was allthe exercise she wants in the work she does in the ' pretty young, in our parish show we have classes for barn. CC " J t C' P I .